Thursday, March 13, 2008
1:01 PM ♥
went for math make-up lecture ytd was kind of bored worst the notes i have is king of diff from the one everyone has cuz mine is printed long long ago le so some things is slightly diff damn it got to print it again lecture is boring so i just copy everything blindly during break went down buy my favourite pink dolphin so cold arh in a cold room drinking a cold drink make mii shiver like hell but something weird is tat i m the only one who feel cold lohx fuyee and feebie who were beside mii dun think it is cold lohx something must be wrong wif mii le after tat wait for fuyee outside LT2 cuz she nid stay back a while dunno for wat nvm lahx i got time mahx then after tat go tm buy something for my dearest ex-shepherd cuz she transfer le actualli i oso lahx so realli wanted to get her something again i m damn fickle minded so realli spent a great deal of time choosing wrote the card on the train so make mii damn giddy the driver dunno how drive wan keep stopnig arh so make mii feel like vomiting but luckily i didn eat anything before tat cuz i vve no mood to eat after 45 min ride then finalli reach somerset le call nicole then she bring mii in metamorhosis was so fun lohx and i like the badge otts every year they got give like bagde thinggy de and tis yr wan damn nice tat side only got mii, zhu li, cai xuan, wei en and ryan after tat then went eat at S11 tat side wif shee ting they all saw a lot of my east E frienz they oso quite shocked to c mii in tpjc uniform n somemore long time no c mii le so chat wif them a while at arnd 6.45pm le so got to go up for the concert le saw East A1 pp eh so happy to see them especailly cai juan cuz realli long time no c her le mahx and oso shih ching so join them a while but i feel vry bad arh like pang seh my tpjc de pp but i was realli glad to c many of the east pp arnd cuz they r the one i noe mahx in jc grp i quite new so dunno much pp tat kind of feeling is horrible but i ll overcome it with God's help de ^^ went in get a sit sit quite far arh then they oso not going down for mii tis is kind of weird cuz i always go down there wif the East pp de lidat like more high mahx so i just went down join the east pp so fun lohx realli had lotts of fun alot of praying stuff and through metamorhosis God realli speak to mii alot especailly tat he give mii more courage in a new cg i was realli feeling awkward and i realli feel like back-sliding but god realli give mii a lot of encouragement he oso give mii more faith in him and to depend on him not always to depend on myself cuz human are weak but God is strong !! went go centrepoint with shi ting, jasmine, chicky and ryan while wei en , mei xuan and bryan go home i dun wan go home so early arh so ltr walk to plaza singapura there pei them eat meet up with nicole and some other pp (ps:i cannot rmbr their name le) then after tat went bedok meet wen wei and his frienz oso cannot his name le chat for a while then go back le but got to thx wen wei for pei mii wait until the bus come went home is abt 12 am + le then go sleep le too tired to think so think do work 2moro bahx then ltr going meet chicky to study
i like my present life lotts and i dun wan any changes to it !!!
i want to be a faithful christian !!!
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Thursday, March 13, 2008
1:01 PM ♥
went for math make-up lecture ytd was kind of bored worst the notes i have is king of diff from the one everyone has cuz mine is printed long long ago le so some things is slightly diff damn it got to print it again lecture is boring so i just copy everything blindly during break went down buy my favourite pink dolphin so cold arh in a cold room drinking a cold drink make mii shiver like hell but something weird is tat i m the only one who feel cold lohx fuyee and feebie who were beside mii dun think it is cold lohx something must be wrong wif mii le after tat wait for fuyee outside LT2 cuz she nid stay back a while dunno for wat nvm lahx i got time mahx then after tat go tm buy something for my dearest ex-shepherd cuz she transfer le actualli i oso lahx so realli wanted to get her something again i m damn fickle minded so realli spent a great deal of time choosing wrote the card on the train so make mii damn giddy the driver dunno how drive wan keep stopnig arh so make mii feel like vomiting but luckily i didn eat anything before tat cuz i vve no mood to eat after 45 min ride then finalli reach somerset le call nicole then she bring mii in metamorhosis was so fun lohx and i like the badge otts every year they got give like bagde thinggy de and tis yr wan damn nice tat side only got mii, zhu li, cai xuan, wei en and ryan after tat then went eat at S11 tat side wif shee ting they all saw a lot of my east E frienz they oso quite shocked to c mii in tpjc uniform n somemore long time no c mii le so chat wif them a while at arnd 6.45pm le so got to go up for the concert le saw East A1 pp eh so happy to see them especailly cai juan cuz realli long time no c her le mahx and oso shih ching so join them a while but i feel vry bad arh like pang seh my tpjc de pp but i was realli glad to c many of the east pp arnd cuz they r the one i noe mahx in jc grp i quite new so dunno much pp tat kind of feeling is horrible but i ll overcome it with God's help de ^^ went in get a sit sit quite far arh then they oso not going down for mii tis is kind of weird cuz i always go down there wif the East pp de lidat like more high mahx so i just went down join the east pp so fun lohx realli had lotts of fun alot of praying stuff and through metamorhosis God realli speak to mii alot especailly tat he give mii more courage in a new cg i was realli feeling awkward and i realli feel like back-sliding but god realli give mii a lot of encouragement he oso give mii more faith in him and to depend on him not always to depend on myself cuz human are weak but God is strong !! went go centrepoint with shi ting, jasmine, chicky and ryan while wei en , mei xuan and bryan go home i dun wan go home so early arh so ltr walk to plaza singapura there pei them eat meet up with nicole and some other pp (ps:i cannot rmbr their name le) then after tat went bedok meet wen wei and his frienz oso cannot his name le chat for a while then go back le but got to thx wen wei for pei mii wait until the bus come went home is abt 12 am + le then go sleep le too tired to think so think do work 2moro bahx then ltr going meet chicky to study
i like my present life lotts and i dun wan any changes to it !!!
i want to be a faithful christian !!!