Tuesday, March 11, 2008
12:50 AM ♥
overall, today was quite a packed day for me. i was suppose to wake up at 8.30am in the morning, but instead i woke up at 8am. why? i was disturb by a phone call from a classmate who have forgetten that i have no physic lecture. nevermind about who, it is not important anyway. i have my chemistry make-up lecture at the LT 1 today, which was merely for those who missed PAE. it was nice that my class, 08S07, was much united. in the sense that we were sitting together i the LT1, unlike the other classes, being dispersed. the lecture was qutie boring actually, i almost doze off during the lecture. luckily i bought a pack of candy, which makes me able to endure the long lecture. after our lecture, i went with qin and fuyee to have our lunch at the coffee shop opposite EVSS. how lucky i was to realise that i do not have any tutorial lesson after the lecture! i think it was mere coincidence that we bump into ee xuan, gui ling, and more. it was nice that the cello instructor bought us drinks, really appreciate that. both qin and fuyee were rushing for time, despite of the time constraint, both wanted to eat outside the school. while i was swallowing down by lunch, i was 'poke' by xinyi, which caught me i a shock. it was our junior, xinyi. it was funny that the cello instructor did not realise that both me and qin were used to be in c.o , i guess that it is because we wore the tpjc uniform. tpjc rocks anyway. later, i accompanied xinyi to get her lunch and we started with some conversation. by the time i got home, it was only little time before i need to leave for tpjc c.o practice. such a spoiler which spoils by good day. i feel that i am quite bad, conning henry and his friend to join the er hu section. but, henry turns out to be a talent for er hu, my judgement was not that bad anyway. i was damn happy when the c.o vice president announced that will not be practice on wednesday. yipeee......
now i have more time to sleep, zzzzz......
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
12:50 AM ♥
overall, today was quite a packed day for me. i was suppose to wake up at 8.30am in the morning, but instead i woke up at 8am. why? i was disturb by a phone call from a classmate who have forgetten that i have no physic lecture. nevermind about who, it is not important anyway. i have my chemistry make-up lecture at the LT 1 today, which was merely for those who missed PAE. it was nice that my class, 08S07, was much united. in the sense that we were sitting together i the LT1, unlike the other classes, being dispersed. the lecture was qutie boring actually, i almost doze off during the lecture. luckily i bought a pack of candy, which makes me able to endure the long lecture. after our lecture, i went with qin and fuyee to have our lunch at the coffee shop opposite EVSS. how lucky i was to realise that i do not have any tutorial lesson after the lecture! i think it was mere coincidence that we bump into ee xuan, gui ling, and more. it was nice that the cello instructor bought us drinks, really appreciate that. both qin and fuyee were rushing for time, despite of the time constraint, both wanted to eat outside the school. while i was swallowing down by lunch, i was 'poke' by xinyi, which caught me i a shock. it was our junior, xinyi. it was funny that the cello instructor did not realise that both me and qin were used to be in c.o , i guess that it is because we wore the tpjc uniform. tpjc rocks anyway. later, i accompanied xinyi to get her lunch and we started with some conversation. by the time i got home, it was only little time before i need to leave for tpjc c.o practice. such a spoiler which spoils by good day. i feel that i am quite bad, conning henry and his friend to join the er hu section. but, henry turns out to be a talent for er hu, my judgement was not that bad anyway. i was damn happy when the c.o vice president announced that will not be practice on wednesday. yipeee......
now i have more time to sleep, zzzzz......