Tuesday, February 19, 2008
9:10 AM ♥
no doubt, i really got into tampines junior college(tpjc) . i used to doubt the possibility of me going tpjc, but i do finally made my way there. i was unable to sleep last night, tossing here and there. i think i am too anxious for the postings. for qin, it was not really a great deal, the posting for her is expected for tpjc. many felt that she is "a big fish in a small pond", but i disagree with that. a less stressful environment can really allows you to maximise your potentials. back to the topic, i am really glad that i finally got into a school i really want. really thanks for that. firstly,i want to congrates those classmates or friends who got into the school they wanted to. secondly, for those who did not get to the expected school, please do not feel bad about it, i am sure you people can successfully appeal to the desired school. this morning( 8.07am) , i woke up from bed upon hearing my parents saying that both of us got into the same school. after confirming the postings, i was full of joy, i was not that let down to my parents. really feel happy when receiving the sms from various classmates and friends. i knew that i can still enjoy the chicken rice at the coffee shop opposite EVSS... ...
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
9:10 AM ♥
no doubt, i really got into tampines junior college(tpjc) . i used to doubt the possibility of me going tpjc, but i do finally made my way there. i was unable to sleep last night, tossing here and there. i think i am too anxious for the postings. for qin, it was not really a great deal, the posting for her is expected for tpjc. many felt that she is "a big fish in a small pond", but i disagree with that. a less stressful environment can really allows you to maximise your potentials. back to the topic, i am really glad that i finally got into a school i really want. really thanks for that. firstly,i want to congrates those classmates or friends who got into the school they wanted to. secondly, for those who did not get to the expected school, please do not feel bad about it, i am sure you people can successfully appeal to the desired school. this morning( 8.07am) , i woke up from bed upon hearing my parents saying that both of us got into the same school. after confirming the postings, i was full of joy, i was not that let down to my parents. really feel happy when receiving the sms from various classmates and friends. i knew that i can still enjoy the chicken rice at the coffee shop opposite EVSS... ...