Saturday, February 23, 2008
12:09 PM ♥
the 2nd orientation has ended yesterday night at 9pm. the 3 days orientation has been an interesting experience for me.
DAY 1:
i woke up very early in the morning, preparing to make my way to TPJC. we are assemble in thee hall by our orientation group (og), which i was in og25. we then have the morning assembly, i was totally shocked that their college song sounded much better then EVSS one. there was the screening of the coporate video when i knew that 'kim', the kid central host, was also in tpjc. she is real pretty! the speech by TPJC principal was much shorter than by Mr Ee, which can really last for a long time. after lots and lots of speech and introduction given by the TPJC staffs and lectures, there goes our icebreakers led by our og leaders (ogl). we played 'wacko' , 'blow wind blow' and the ' bang, bang game' , from there to know the rest of the og mates. i was quite surprise that all of the EVSS girls were in the aphrodite family, aphrod rocks anyway! we learn our aphrod cheers which i really enjoyed it, especially the heart-beat cheer. then goes lots and lots of introduction to the subject combination. before ending our day in TPJC, we have the dry games, which was really damn boring for me. all because of that stupid game, my shoes and socks have turned red (the sports track) .
i woke up as early as the day one, trying not to be late from meeting my new friend carolyn in the college. at around 7.50am, we have lots of talks which lasted 2hours and 10 minutes. but every minute as well used, during the 2 hours and 10 minutes, i was busy chatting with my new frien pei yan. TPJC has its very own orientation package which cost $15.50, it was not really very expensive. the package includes a shoebag, the orientation t-shirt, a towel and a pencil case. my favourite activity was then yet to come. at 10 am, we have our TPJC very own mass dance. it was really interesting, especially the couple dance. the first mass dance was still alright, except some of the dance steps i cannot really catch up. the second one was the couple dance and we are told to pair up with the opposite gender. i pair up with a guy from og21, which really looks like my friend in the primary school. qin then pair up with a guy from her og and was just lined in front of me. the four of us do realised that we have no sense of direction, always goes on the wrong direction. it was really funny to see us doing the mass dance! it was really weird that ewveryone in TPJC were made to go through the choir audition, the choir was really deseperate! i was made to go 'lalalalala... ...' through the different pitch... ... i almost go off tune! the most tiring activity was the 'game of life' where we have to run to the different parts of the school to complete the different station. i was force to participate one of the games which i was ' fireman carry' by my og friend, jing jie ( not sure about the spelling), so funny. everything ended at 4pm. on our way out to the bus stop, qin manage to spot one of our primary school friend, gek teng, who was from TKGS. college is really a place which brings us lots of unexpected surprises!! i was phoned by one of the choir memembers who told me that i passed the 1st round audition. i was thinking: it that a joke?
day3 is the time which i learn about the college song and cheer. the college song was still quite nice, really much better than the evss ones which sounded 'ancient'. the college cheers required us to stomp our feet on the ground which i really have problems doing it. my heels are hurting too much since lots of our cheers also require us to do so from that very day 1. we then have the college tour to know our way better in the college. anyway till now, i am still quite lost in the school, i really have no sense of direction. but, the toilets in TPJC is really better than EVSS, the EVSS ones will make you never to go in again. i feel that me and my friends were quite a spoilsport when we refused to participate in the wet games, really sorry to our og. i find that the wet games were quite boring, especially having to play with flour, which i will develop rashes. while we were trying to skip the wet games, i get to know a friend who was from pakistan, also trying to skip her way from the games. after the games while others went to wash up, peiyan and i went to the cafe to try the drinks there. i heard that the drinks there are having a promotion, drinks cost from $1 to $1.50. i try the fruit punch which was really damn sweet, while peiyan tried the mango ice blend which was really tasty. i went lunch with peiyan, FY, FY's friend kenneth for our lunch at the canteen. FY and kenneth ate the prawn noodle soup, while me and pei yan ate the japanese food. in fact, i had eaten the japanese food for 3 times; 1st time while having lunch with naszri, qin and qin's 2 new friend; 2nd time while having lunch with peiyan and carolyn. we really have a good talk during lunch to get know of each other, we have a same common point, the four of us can play majong. during the cca sign up, we ( FY, qin and me) have decided that we should go back to our ' lao ben hang' , the C.O! we then head back home to prepare for the orientation night.
the orientation t-shirt were really too big for us (FY, qin,me), especially qin's one. she got herself a L-size as all the other size were already out of stock. just too bad! but for me and FY, we manage to get the M-size ones, but it was still too big. with us all in the same aphrodite family, i went to join FY's og which was not having a lot of people.after all the cheerings in the orientation, i voice has become a bit sore. the ogm of the different family have prepared a short performances which were quite entertaining, especially form the HERCULES.we then have the competetion for the t-shirt designs where our family, APHRODITE won the 3rd prize. there goes my favourite, the mass dance! this was really the first time when i can catch up with the moves! the atmosphere was so high! even though APHRODITE ended up at the last place, but everything was still worth it. before the orientation night ended, there was a band performances which we are all jumping around, it was damn high! i really do not understand why the songs have this ' go go power ranger' thing? weird... ... before going home, the 3 of us ( FY, qin and me) went to KFC to have our dinner, it was really a tiring day!!!
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Saturday, February 23, 2008
12:09 PM ♥
the 2nd orientation has ended yesterday night at 9pm. the 3 days orientation has been an interesting experience for me.
DAY 1:
i woke up very early in the morning, preparing to make my way to TPJC. we are assemble in thee hall by our orientation group (og), which i was in og25. we then have the morning assembly, i was totally shocked that their college song sounded much better then EVSS one. there was the screening of the coporate video when i knew that 'kim', the kid central host, was also in tpjc. she is real pretty! the speech by TPJC principal was much shorter than by Mr Ee, which can really last for a long time. after lots and lots of speech and introduction given by the TPJC staffs and lectures, there goes our icebreakers led by our og leaders (ogl). we played 'wacko' , 'blow wind blow' and the ' bang, bang game' , from there to know the rest of the og mates. i was quite surprise that all of the EVSS girls were in the aphrodite family, aphrod rocks anyway! we learn our aphrod cheers which i really enjoyed it, especially the heart-beat cheer. then goes lots and lots of introduction to the subject combination. before ending our day in TPJC, we have the dry games, which was really damn boring for me. all because of that stupid game, my shoes and socks have turned red (the sports track) .
i woke up as early as the day one, trying not to be late from meeting my new friend carolyn in the college. at around 7.50am, we have lots of talks which lasted 2hours and 10 minutes. but every minute as well used, during the 2 hours and 10 minutes, i was busy chatting with my new frien pei yan. TPJC has its very own orientation package which cost $15.50, it was not really very expensive. the package includes a shoebag, the orientation t-shirt, a towel and a pencil case. my favourite activity was then yet to come. at 10 am, we have our TPJC very own mass dance. it was really interesting, especially the couple dance. the first mass dance was still alright, except some of the dance steps i cannot really catch up. the second one was the couple dance and we are told to pair up with the opposite gender. i pair up with a guy from og21, which really looks like my friend in the primary school. qin then pair up with a guy from her og and was just lined in front of me. the four of us do realised that we have no sense of direction, always goes on the wrong direction. it was really funny to see us doing the mass dance! it was really weird that ewveryone in TPJC were made to go through the choir audition, the choir was really deseperate! i was made to go 'lalalalala... ...' through the different pitch... ... i almost go off tune! the most tiring activity was the 'game of life' where we have to run to the different parts of the school to complete the different station. i was force to participate one of the games which i was ' fireman carry' by my og friend, jing jie ( not sure about the spelling), so funny. everything ended at 4pm. on our way out to the bus stop, qin manage to spot one of our primary school friend, gek teng, who was from TKGS. college is really a place which brings us lots of unexpected surprises!! i was phoned by one of the choir memembers who told me that i passed the 1st round audition. i was thinking: it that a joke?
day3 is the time which i learn about the college song and cheer. the college song was still quite nice, really much better than the evss ones which sounded 'ancient'. the college cheers required us to stomp our feet on the ground which i really have problems doing it. my heels are hurting too much since lots of our cheers also require us to do so from that very day 1. we then have the college tour to know our way better in the college. anyway till now, i am still quite lost in the school, i really have no sense of direction. but, the toilets in TPJC is really better than EVSS, the EVSS ones will make you never to go in again. i feel that me and my friends were quite a spoilsport when we refused to participate in the wet games, really sorry to our og. i find that the wet games were quite boring, especially having to play with flour, which i will develop rashes. while we were trying to skip the wet games, i get to know a friend who was from pakistan, also trying to skip her way from the games. after the games while others went to wash up, peiyan and i went to the cafe to try the drinks there. i heard that the drinks there are having a promotion, drinks cost from $1 to $1.50. i try the fruit punch which was really damn sweet, while peiyan tried the mango ice blend which was really tasty. i went lunch with peiyan, FY, FY's friend kenneth for our lunch at the canteen. FY and kenneth ate the prawn noodle soup, while me and pei yan ate the japanese food. in fact, i had eaten the japanese food for 3 times; 1st time while having lunch with naszri, qin and qin's 2 new friend; 2nd time while having lunch with peiyan and carolyn. we really have a good talk during lunch to get know of each other, we have a same common point, the four of us can play majong. during the cca sign up, we ( FY, qin and me) have decided that we should go back to our ' lao ben hang' , the C.O! we then head back home to prepare for the orientation night.
the orientation t-shirt were really too big for us (FY, qin,me), especially qin's one. she got herself a L-size as all the other size were already out of stock. just too bad! but for me and FY, we manage to get the M-size ones, but it was still too big. with us all in the same aphrodite family, i went to join FY's og which was not having a lot of people.after all the cheerings in the orientation, i voice has become a bit sore. the ogm of the different family have prepared a short performances which were quite entertaining, especially form the HERCULES.we then have the competetion for the t-shirt designs where our family, APHRODITE won the 3rd prize. there goes my favourite, the mass dance! this was really the first time when i can catch up with the moves! the atmosphere was so high! even though APHRODITE ended up at the last place, but everything was still worth it. before the orientation night ended, there was a band performances which we are all jumping around, it was damn high! i really do not understand why the songs have this ' go go power ranger' thing? weird... ... before going home, the 3 of us ( FY, qin and me) went to KFC to have our dinner, it was really a tiring day!!!