Saturday, January 05, 2008
11:00 PM ♥
woke up at 11am today actually plan wake up earlier de but still fail even when my mum came call mii to wake up went to meet bernadette and cai juan at cuppage plaza at abt 2.30pm liddat they earlier on got ursher meeting mahx we were early tis time for the second service thx bernadette & cai juan for pei mii to second service lehx !!! went for prayer meet well truefully i wasn't realli prepare to see God so at first i must admit tat i m vry unfriendly or like vry dao lidat then ask mii speak in tongue i oso like cannot for the praise i oso didn dance before tat cai juan was like asking mii what happen to mii cuz my eyes look some sort of weird today well i guess my shepherd realli understand mii when my eyes don't look usual tat mean something must be wrond wif mii i cried during the worship becuz God realli speak to mii i was like wat pastor shirley said tat i m actually living in my past mistake even when cuming into a new year i still con't dwell in my mistake i was really unhappy and troubled actually i have a condem heart so i can't help blaming myself continually for my mistake after the worship i finally put down tis burden Praise the Lord !!! i realli feel better after tat suddenly becum more positive and more active le then vivian cum join us well i oso dun realli knoe her only speak to her through the phone last nite tgt wif cai juan i agree wif cai juan tat she look quite ah lian arh after service it was raing quite heavily luckily got bring umbrella so shelter sabrina cuz she just cut her hair arh so better dun touch water but i believe tis is actually an opp for mii to relate myself to others i must agree tat y-hope pp are friendly pp went eat dinner wif amanda, cai juan and bern eat curry chicken as introduce by cai juan but bern snatch the tray from mii arh so i end up just carrying a plate of rice back play wif they all abt the ''cute '' stuff bern is cute & ugly arh then mag suddenly ask mii pei her go out then realise the east b pp wan celeb bern's b'dea then they oso wan mii and mag to join them play zhong ji mi ma and bern keep kana as plan so draw wu gui on her hand tis is when i realise the wu gui drawn by bern on my hand is actually a forefit lohx then bern stilll put one arrow say tat is mii but bern is wu gui mei mahx !!! pray for her then share affirmation and dream abt her oso got sing song for her tis is so sweet eh so touching lohx thx cai juan , shih ching , angelin and jing jing they all for helping us take our bag after the celeb mii and mag then go find them at plaza singapura tat side shih ching and angelin went yamaha so long see the trumpet scores thinggy the instrument realli look dam classic lohx tried play the piano but can only rmbr the basic that jess teach mii when in sec2 the forbidden love taught by cindy is totally forgoten le went shop for food and i bought my favourite Hello Panda Strawberry bought one for my shepherd too then pei shih ching and mag go makan at fei siong tat side the food look tasty lohx is tat time go bugis eat wif aiYo family tat wan like the lime juice bought by shih ching lots took mrt train home as usual on the way had many craps and joke so canot stop laughing until we alight at tamp tat side then i walk back home hope can change my hp soon like mag's hp arh and the photo we took tgt
i m happy =)
♥ 0 lovely notes