Wednesday, October 17, 2007
1:36 PM ♥
dam pissed off
now i agreed that evss only cultivate students wif good academic result but their character n behaviour can simply sux i mean for some pp only
how ll u feel when someone who did not make any effort to book a teacher n end up sitting wif u during consultation?
'snatching' teacher away from u?
u book the teacher yet she seem 2 be the one asking?
n there is not enough time4 u 2 ask the things u have wanted?
n she still act as if she is rite?
dun u really feel ike slapping her face?
not only tat,
tell lie 2 the pp involved in the consultation;
told A that B say ok, but actually didn ask B at all
told c that A nB say was ok ------->end up didn ask anything or anyone of us??
i realli wan 2 say tat tis pp have no intergity at all
if they dun like pp 2 do tis 2 them then dun do tis 2 pp
if we didn 'snatch' urs, y snatch ours?
n if realli wan go cn ask us, DUN ve to lie
i HATEZ pp lying 2 mii
some of us didn realli ve enough time 4 the consultation becuz of u
u STOLE our time, waste our time
n still cn pretend as if u duno anything liddat
really dam fuc* nvm let see if doing tis ll bring anything gd to them
can't believe tat such kind of pp exist . . .
♥ 0 lovely notes