Thursday, October 11, 2007
8:03 PM ♥
some pic taken vry long time ago:

the dam unluckily person on her O lvl physic pratical
at 6am
taken outside my house
where my dad's car ???
too dark cannot see clearly arr
my aunt bought tis from australia
rock candy sweet?? erm . . .
bought from australia too ^^
chem pratical was kind of horrible cuz i couldn't test for the oxygen gas lohx so i go rite hydrogen but luckily qian hui oso lahx saw the answer aready done by mrs cho after we were released was realli kind of shock lahx did my chem pratical quite fast that i still ve extra time to do checking by doing it again n then test for those gas but i got choked by the chlorine gas lohx cuz i forget mahx then go sniff i m really dam blurr then when doing titration was like forget to clip so the solution Q was like running out of the burette i was so panic but really got to thx wee siong for reminding mii abt the indicator n oso for helping mii wash my appratus cuz mr ng ask mii go next door sign the report thinggy then the invigilator was kind of firnedly i mean the tall tall one wearing spectacle wan not the one tat make mii cry becuz kept changing my voltmeter that wan ask mii to check the content then sign notice one error in the language then told them but they simply dun understand lohx later mr ng then tell them that i was refering to the first and the third person voice lahx see my english not bad rite still got hope correct the mistake then went to sign went down to sac then vintha reminded mii about the irritating gas thinggy i was like gosh forget to rite so one mark gone le i spent the one hour talking more than studying then got to fu chu dai jia for borrowing qian hui's txtbk unfair !!! must have been influenced by gui ling lohx the two act cute one arr after that went book lots of teacher then saw mr tsia got to noe tat he was the one who type the report then is his mistake lohx he told mii not to worry too much abt it
tallking abt this some people may not really noe what has happen to mii that really make mii cry so let mii just say breifly about the day i did my physic pratical bahx each of us were to attempt section a and b separately for 45 min then switch over i was to do my lens first hen is the electrical circuit when we switch over the inviligator didn't check our apparatus again then ask us to start le for the section b, the circuit is given so we have to draw then connect it with voltmeter and resistor respectively but when i connect as told the voltmeter over shot 3v which is the maximum i told the inviligator abt it and he change my voltmeter same thing still happen he then ask mii chack my circuit again chack again but problem still persist raise my hand again and he change my voltmeter again but still over shot i ve wasted lotss of time without answering any single qn so i really panic i told myself not to cry but i still end up crying at first he some kind of ignore mii then later another female inviligator go call mr tsia and mr ng to cum they ask if i nid help n i agree i did my experiment after mr tsia connect my circuit again after that went sac told my classmate abt it n cried again after some time mr tsia came down n ask mii abt the prob i told him that the circuit given to mii was liddat i ddin change any connection but still liddat he then talk to the person who use the circuit before mii and confirm that it was the person who change the circuit and the lab technian didn't chack our apparatus he did ask the invilagator abt it but mr ng told him that he ll be penalised if he ask again i can understand his situation n i dun blame him lohx mr tsia told mii rite a report n pass it to him on the next day afterward mrs lee oso ask mii go out a while n tell her the problem i was really like dam unluckily lohx but all the teacher who knew that was like dun worry lahx but i can see that the teachers are really trying to help mii hmm i sure go down in history
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Thursday, October 11, 2007
8:03 PM ♥
some pic taken vry long time ago:

the dam unluckily person on her O lvl physic pratical
at 6am
taken outside my house
where my dad's car ???
too dark cannot see clearly arr
my aunt bought tis from australia
rock candy sweet?? erm . . .
bought from australia too ^^
chem pratical was kind of horrible cuz i couldn't test for the oxygen gas lohx so i go rite hydrogen but luckily qian hui oso lahx saw the answer aready done by mrs cho after we were released was realli kind of shock lahx did my chem pratical quite fast that i still ve extra time to do checking by doing it again n then test for those gas but i got choked by the chlorine gas lohx cuz i forget mahx then go sniff i m really dam blurr then when doing titration was like forget to clip so the solution Q was like running out of the burette i was so panic but really got to thx wee siong for reminding mii abt the indicator n oso for helping mii wash my appratus cuz mr ng ask mii go next door sign the report thinggy then the invigilator was kind of firnedly i mean the tall tall one wearing spectacle wan not the one tat make mii cry becuz kept changing my voltmeter that wan ask mii to check the content then sign notice one error in the language then told them but they simply dun understand lohx later mr ng then tell them that i was refering to the first and the third person voice lahx see my english not bad rite still got hope correct the mistake then went to sign went down to sac then vintha reminded mii about the irritating gas thinggy i was like gosh forget to rite so one mark gone le i spent the one hour talking more than studying then got to fu chu dai jia for borrowing qian hui's txtbk unfair !!! must have been influenced by gui ling lohx the two act cute one arr after that went book lots of teacher then saw mr tsia got to noe tat he was the one who type the report then is his mistake lohx he told mii not to worry too much abt it
tallking abt this some people may not really noe what has happen to mii that really make mii cry so let mii just say breifly about the day i did my physic pratical bahx each of us were to attempt section a and b separately for 45 min then switch over i was to do my lens first hen is the electrical circuit when we switch over the inviligator didn't check our apparatus again then ask us to start le for the section b, the circuit is given so we have to draw then connect it with voltmeter and resistor respectively but when i connect as told the voltmeter over shot 3v which is the maximum i told the inviligator abt it and he change my voltmeter same thing still happen he then ask mii chack my circuit again chack again but problem still persist raise my hand again and he change my voltmeter again but still over shot i ve wasted lotss of time without answering any single qn so i really panic i told myself not to cry but i still end up crying at first he some kind of ignore mii then later another female inviligator go call mr tsia and mr ng to cum they ask if i nid help n i agree i did my experiment after mr tsia connect my circuit again after that went sac told my classmate abt it n cried again after some time mr tsia came down n ask mii abt the prob i told him that the circuit given to mii was liddat i ddin change any connection but still liddat he then talk to the person who use the circuit before mii and confirm that it was the person who change the circuit and the lab technian didn't chack our apparatus he did ask the invilagator abt it but mr ng told him that he ll be penalised if he ask again i can understand his situation n i dun blame him lohx mr tsia told mii rite a report n pass it to him on the next day afterward mrs lee oso ask mii go out a while n tell her the problem i was really like dam unluckily lohx but all the teacher who knew that was like dun worry lahx but i can see that the teachers are really trying to help mii hmm i sure go down in history