Saturday, October 06, 2007
3:45 AM ♥

look dull but realli taste good

one of my favourite and oso siqi's

still tasye okay =)

i think is siq's favourite

iura gunkan maki sushi
look and taste nice too ^^

inari sushi
can consider as one of my favourite

can be found easily in shops as it is very common

nigiri toro
taste okay and looks very fresh worr
blogging again in the mid of the nite cuz wanted watch tv then woke up at arnd 9pm liddat mahx slept for about 3 h today but dunno y i still feel so tired and exhausted thinking og the os pratical i ll be having next week realli make mii panic especailly when i didn do well for prelim's pratical lohx didn want to have dinner wan cuz no mood to eat ar so quite surprised that my mum bought mii sushi instead love it lotts especailly the soy sauce siqi thy all shld noe how much i like jap. soy sauce tried some sushi that i ve nvr tried before hmm it really taste so yummy was thinking of buying it in the morning then bring it to school for recess since i have been staying in claz to study or maybe chat wif few frienz today stay back to look for mr goh for physic then monday he pang seh mii n xue er lohx cuz got the marking thinggy but anyway got to thx him for his help then went to ask ms tan about the salt solution thinggy she oso dunno lohx so i was kind of de~ but something i vry sad about is that one of my hp keychain break so sad lohx T_T then oso cut myself while fixing it meet siqi and priscilla at c.o studying corner tat side whanted to have lunch wif siqi but vry xianz ar weather too hot make mii no mood to eat again suddenly have the passion to eat sushi as well as coffee due to some influence and i went to look for some pics of sushi
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Saturday, October 06, 2007
3:45 AM ♥

look dull but realli taste good

one of my favourite and oso siqi's

still tasye okay =)

i think is siq's favourite

iura gunkan maki sushi
look and taste nice too ^^

inari sushi
can consider as one of my favourite

can be found easily in shops as it is very common

nigiri toro
taste okay and looks very fresh worr
blogging again in the mid of the nite cuz wanted watch tv then woke up at arnd 9pm liddat mahx slept for about 3 h today but dunno y i still feel so tired and exhausted thinking og the os pratical i ll be having next week realli make mii panic especailly when i didn do well for prelim's pratical lohx didn want to have dinner wan cuz no mood to eat ar so quite surprised that my mum bought mii sushi instead love it lotts especailly the soy sauce siqi thy all shld noe how much i like jap. soy sauce tried some sushi that i ve nvr tried before hmm it really taste so yummy was thinking of buying it in the morning then bring it to school for recess since i have been staying in claz to study or maybe chat wif few frienz today stay back to look for mr goh for physic then monday he pang seh mii n xue er lohx cuz got the marking thinggy but anyway got to thx him for his help then went to ask ms tan about the salt solution thinggy she oso dunno lohx so i was kind of de~ but something i vry sad about is that one of my hp keychain break so sad lohx T_T then oso cut myself while fixing it meet siqi and priscilla at c.o studying corner tat side whanted to have lunch wif siqi but vry xianz ar weather too hot make mii no mood to eat again suddenly have the passion to eat sushi as well as coffee due to some influence and i went to look for some pics of sushi