Friday, September 28, 2007
4:21 PM ♥
taken from Jeslin's blog-->

bernadette & mii

blogging again seem like blogging can be a form of relaxation for mii must not be too stress out mahx cuz not gd for help anyway want to thx the following pp for their postcards lurb them lotts worr
thx t0:
Bernadette(Ah bern)- ll call ur hotline de dun worry hahax anyway i shld be the one blessing u wif lotts n lotts of fries mahx love the bear bear postcard lotts !!
Kaysee- i really enjoy myself during the anniversary =) i ll learn to depend more on God de
Caijuan-i ll try not t0 be so stress de u too must jy worr if not got t0 buy u caton of red bull lemoww hahax
Siewling-i ll try not to sleep so late de anyway we can still take pic when i go for service next time ar XD u toom take care !
Shihching-thx lotts for the postcard all the best to u too my another ''twin''sista
Jeslin-thx for ur postcard too!!
Chrystal- still rmbr u!! glad to noe u oso jy for ur o-lvl worr ^^
Lihui-i ll try my best de thx =)
Minyi(cute minnie)- realli feel so honour to receive ur postcard hahax anyway i ll jy de thx!!
thx 4 the postcard feel so encouraged lohx love u guys lotts !!
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Friday, September 28, 2007
4:21 PM ♥
taken from Jeslin's blog-->

bernadette & mii

blogging again seem like blogging can be a form of relaxation for mii must not be too stress out mahx cuz not gd for help anyway want to thx the following pp for their postcards lurb them lotts worr
thx t0:
Bernadette(Ah bern)- ll call ur hotline de dun worry hahax anyway i shld be the one blessing u wif lotts n lotts of fries mahx love the bear bear postcard lotts !!
Kaysee- i really enjoy myself during the anniversary =) i ll learn to depend more on God de
Caijuan-i ll try not t0 be so stress de u too must jy worr if not got t0 buy u caton of red bull lemoww hahax
Siewling-i ll try not to sleep so late de anyway we can still take pic when i go for service next time ar XD u toom take care !
Shihching-thx lotts for the postcard all the best to u too my another ''twin''sista
Jeslin-thx for ur postcard too!!
Chrystal- still rmbr u!! glad to noe u oso jy for ur o-lvl worr ^^
Lihui-i ll try my best de thx =)
Minyi(cute minnie)- realli feel so honour to receive ur postcard hahax anyway i ll jy de thx!!
thx 4 the postcard feel so encouraged lohx love u guys lotts !!