Sunday, September 23, 2007
1:37 AM ♥
went out today though i promise myself last week not to and told cai juan that i want study at home so sorrie didn expect i ll go out too went out wif yujun today woke up early in the morning actually want to jog ar but later overslept till arnd 10 am liddat then got to feed hamsters and fish then sweep the floor a little and clean the hamster cage . . . as usual i m late again then make yujun wait at the park for some time pai seh then first is to study lahx then faster read up my s.s mind-map i made myself and did some or shld i say 1 essay after that is chatting and playing checker le went to watch ratatouill today love the movie becuz i some kind of inspired to learn how to cook after the rat in the movie was able to cook so well and the book ' anyone can cook' . . . hmm cooking can be fun worr especailly when the rat made the soup and the dish called rataouill with some changes made to the original recipe after that went food court for dinner i insist of paying on my own cuz like everytime made yujun pay mahx then feelm vry bad so i think i shld pay for my dinner instead so sorrie yujun hope u can understand ^^ made him pei mii eat the ramen over there i ve being there so often nowaday becuz i some how got addict to the korean food over there i find myself dam weird lohx but nvm well i m a big eater and i did my bestto finish the food dun waste food mahx but i can tell that he actually not feeling well ar cuz he kept coughing then oso didn eat much for dinner but he dam busy lohx many of his frienz were like asking him to go out i feel so special ar got him to pei mii today ar feel so guilty for leaving siqi at home ar so especailly went home first to bring her dinner hope she like the beef ball noodle i was dam pissed off wif the auntie lohx keep asking mii to repeat my order and after telling her four time she still say the wrong thing i was like ' auntie wo yi jing gao shu ni he duo ci le' still show mii attidue lohx after delivering home qi's dinner then went to pei yujun until arnd 10am went to the exercising corner near my house tat side but during my way home i was dam stress lohx saw a busybody neighbour cuz there was a mooncake celebration ar pp ll playing wif their latern went back immediately do tution work realli had a hard time doing it lohx i wonder if desmond still insist on his stand well i ll noe it 2moro anyway well i learn sometime new today which i think i can share 1) about when shld one stop smoking becuz of the posionous gas emiited 2)diff type of cigratte 3)more things about secret society eg. ranks? 4)life is better wif parents at home 5)i shld stop being so busybody hmm. . . after that at arnd 12am went down wif qi to buy supper and my favourite fruit tea ate so much until cannot sleep le so spent time watching tv n using com my parents cumin back 2moro le hope they ve lotts of fun n hope they rmbr to buy me gift(s) waited very long for it lohx then 2moro oso got to wait up on time for tution if not sure late wan
all the best to those who ll be having exam soon
jia you worrr...
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Sunday, September 23, 2007
1:37 AM ♥
went out today though i promise myself last week not to and told cai juan that i want study at home so sorrie didn expect i ll go out too went out wif yujun today woke up early in the morning actually want to jog ar but later overslept till arnd 10 am liddat then got to feed hamsters and fish then sweep the floor a little and clean the hamster cage . . . as usual i m late again then make yujun wait at the park for some time pai seh then first is to study lahx then faster read up my s.s mind-map i made myself and did some or shld i say 1 essay after that is chatting and playing checker le went to watch ratatouill today love the movie becuz i some kind of inspired to learn how to cook after the rat in the movie was able to cook so well and the book ' anyone can cook' . . . hmm cooking can be fun worr especailly when the rat made the soup and the dish called rataouill with some changes made to the original recipe after that went food court for dinner i insist of paying on my own cuz like everytime made yujun pay mahx then feelm vry bad so i think i shld pay for my dinner instead so sorrie yujun hope u can understand ^^ made him pei mii eat the ramen over there i ve being there so often nowaday becuz i some how got addict to the korean food over there i find myself dam weird lohx but nvm well i m a big eater and i did my bestto finish the food dun waste food mahx but i can tell that he actually not feeling well ar cuz he kept coughing then oso didn eat much for dinner but he dam busy lohx many of his frienz were like asking him to go out i feel so special ar got him to pei mii today ar feel so guilty for leaving siqi at home ar so especailly went home first to bring her dinner hope she like the beef ball noodle i was dam pissed off wif the auntie lohx keep asking mii to repeat my order and after telling her four time she still say the wrong thing i was like ' auntie wo yi jing gao shu ni he duo ci le' still show mii attidue lohx after delivering home qi's dinner then went to pei yujun until arnd 10am went to the exercising corner near my house tat side but during my way home i was dam stress lohx saw a busybody neighbour cuz there was a mooncake celebration ar pp ll playing wif their latern went back immediately do tution work realli had a hard time doing it lohx i wonder if desmond still insist on his stand well i ll noe it 2moro anyway well i learn sometime new today which i think i can share 1) about when shld one stop smoking becuz of the posionous gas emiited 2)diff type of cigratte 3)more things about secret society eg. ranks? 4)life is better wif parents at home 5)i shld stop being so busybody hmm. . . after that at arnd 12am went down wif qi to buy supper and my favourite fruit tea ate so much until cannot sleep le so spent time watching tv n using com my parents cumin back 2moro le hope they ve lotts of fun n hope they rmbr to buy me gift(s) waited very long for it lohx then 2moro oso got to wait up on time for tution if not sure late wan
all the best to those who ll be having exam soon
jia you worrr...