Sunday, September 16, 2007
5:26 AM ♥
HAPPY 16 ANNIVERSARY to Y-HOPE!!!went for the anniversary today after much persusion hmm . . . realli enjoy myself 2day
thx BERNADETTE for pei mii all the way !! 2day got tution somemore end late so unable 2 join the East E pp for dinner ar so meet wif bernadette n wif East B pp they dam friendly lohx rmbr some of them like joyce, crystal, florence n . . . sorrie can't rmbr le (ps if i spell name wrongly, thy shld noe hu i referin 2) we took bus 2 downtown bus oso duno y we take bus suddenly just end up there ar after tat go find east e pp at subway thx BERNADETTE again for her blessing thx for the green tea must bless her oso le =) after tat went arnd walk then sit at the grass tat side feel so sad 4 the grass we trample n compact the soil which ll . . . more on geo stuff as well just skip tat every1 busy take photo dam unluckily ar my camera after taking few pic went low battery >_< saw a little boy running wif lotts of balloon ar so the y-hope pp like keep asking 4 the balloon it was dam cute wan lohx at 7 pm went in 4 the celeb saw siew ling, minyi, cai juan, sabrina , . . . they got ursher ar they look so shiny worr hair so shiny with lotts of glitter on it can u believe it we took the second row rite behind the pastors ?!?! so cool lohx
first item was praise take off my high heel n rush 2 the front 2 praise JESUS it was dam high wif us all dancing n jumping arnd then got 1 time all of ur hold hand 2gether then another is toot-to-train then run about the front row tat side ar we were like in a big mess lohx then dunno who got step my feet ar so painful T_T worship was nice too wif one of my favourite song tat goes like tis " my life is your , my soul is not my own, all tat within mii, ll live to praise u LORD . . . " long time didn hear le lohx
next was pastorPN preaching he came all the way from Hope Bankok anyway from tis preaching i noe y s'pore experience so much rain lately ^^ anyway thx BERNADETTE 4 the 3rd time for lending mii foolscape n a pen cuz i 4got 2 bring ar next was response time i prayed in tongue as usual i ask LORD 2 give mii more faith in him i m very clear tat i m the sort of person hu can give GOD up becuz of my studies, . . . n i m sure tat study is defiantely everytin but it is realli dam hard 4 mii 2 put all these things aside 2 serve GOD thinking abt hpw much my frienz had been studying 4 the prelim i can't help but oso 2 do the same thing tis is some kind of kia su but maybe is becuz i ve no confidence in myself??but every1 tell tat it is ok if i did my best n 2 depend on GOD hmm. . . i guess i realli nid some time 2 sort all these things out my goal is 2 be the top in sch 4 the GCE O-LVL tat's y i must in all 100% on my studies , maybe a little on something else but i just can't afford 2 fail ar
after the celeb take photo again ar then went out 2 eat wif East E we like zhi high ar then keep running while pulling someone else at first shi ching go pull cai juan then mii n bernadette like aiyo cai juan so old liao but i end up oso being pulled by shi ching n bernadette but mine diff kk i young wan lohx we went burger king then mii n bernadette were like keep blessing one another wif fries give each other a lot then realli zhi high wan lohx cuz shi ching n yingying gt 2 go off first ar so i end up eating bernadette's fries lohx fine! nvm, nxt time must buy her lotts n lotts of fires ar ^^
took bus home wif siew ling n melody thx SIEW LING n MELODY 4 pei mii take tat bus cuz tat was the only bus i can take home ar on my way home i was like quite afraid ar cuz aready dam late le mahx tat the road was like so dark so i try 2 rain but the stupid things is my high heel was dam noisy lohx so was like some kind of attracting attention instead i like dam bai chi lohx upload few pic only cuz my camera realli low batt upload it some time ltr
mei nu yingying & sexy bernadette

bernadette & mii
ex-sheep & ex-shepherd
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Sunday, September 16, 2007
5:26 AM ♥
HAPPY 16 ANNIVERSARY to Y-HOPE!!!went for the anniversary today after much persusion hmm . . . realli enjoy myself 2day
thx BERNADETTE for pei mii all the way !! 2day got tution somemore end late so unable 2 join the East E pp for dinner ar so meet wif bernadette n wif East B pp they dam friendly lohx rmbr some of them like joyce, crystal, florence n . . . sorrie can't rmbr le (ps if i spell name wrongly, thy shld noe hu i referin 2) we took bus 2 downtown bus oso duno y we take bus suddenly just end up there ar after tat go find east e pp at subway thx BERNADETTE again for her blessing thx for the green tea must bless her oso le =) after tat went arnd walk then sit at the grass tat side feel so sad 4 the grass we trample n compact the soil which ll . . . more on geo stuff as well just skip tat every1 busy take photo dam unluckily ar my camera after taking few pic went low battery >_< saw a little boy running wif lotts of balloon ar so the y-hope pp like keep asking 4 the balloon it was dam cute wan lohx at 7 pm went in 4 the celeb saw siew ling, minyi, cai juan, sabrina , . . . they got ursher ar they look so shiny worr hair so shiny with lotts of glitter on it can u believe it we took the second row rite behind the pastors ?!?! so cool lohx
first item was praise take off my high heel n rush 2 the front 2 praise JESUS it was dam high wif us all dancing n jumping arnd then got 1 time all of ur hold hand 2gether then another is toot-to-train then run about the front row tat side ar we were like in a big mess lohx then dunno who got step my feet ar so painful T_T worship was nice too wif one of my favourite song tat goes like tis " my life is your , my soul is not my own, all tat within mii, ll live to praise u LORD . . . " long time didn hear le lohx
next was pastorPN preaching he came all the way from Hope Bankok anyway from tis preaching i noe y s'pore experience so much rain lately ^^ anyway thx BERNADETTE 4 the 3rd time for lending mii foolscape n a pen cuz i 4got 2 bring ar next was response time i prayed in tongue as usual i ask LORD 2 give mii more faith in him i m very clear tat i m the sort of person hu can give GOD up becuz of my studies, . . . n i m sure tat study is defiantely everytin but it is realli dam hard 4 mii 2 put all these things aside 2 serve GOD thinking abt hpw much my frienz had been studying 4 the prelim i can't help but oso 2 do the same thing tis is some kind of kia su but maybe is becuz i ve no confidence in myself??but every1 tell tat it is ok if i did my best n 2 depend on GOD hmm. . . i guess i realli nid some time 2 sort all these things out my goal is 2 be the top in sch 4 the GCE O-LVL tat's y i must in all 100% on my studies , maybe a little on something else but i just can't afford 2 fail ar
after the celeb take photo again ar then went out 2 eat wif East E we like zhi high ar then keep running while pulling someone else at first shi ching go pull cai juan then mii n bernadette like aiyo cai juan so old liao but i end up oso being pulled by shi ching n bernadette but mine diff kk i young wan lohx we went burger king then mii n bernadette were like keep blessing one another wif fries give each other a lot then realli zhi high wan lohx cuz shi ching n yingying gt 2 go off first ar so i end up eating bernadette's fries lohx fine! nvm, nxt time must buy her lotts n lotts of fires ar ^^
took bus home wif siew ling n melody thx SIEW LING n MELODY 4 pei mii take tat bus cuz tat was the only bus i can take home ar on my way home i was like quite afraid ar cuz aready dam late le mahx tat the road was like so dark so i try 2 rain but the stupid things is my high heel was dam noisy lohx so was like some kind of attracting attention instead i like dam bai chi lohx upload few pic only cuz my camera realli low batt upload it some time ltr
mei nu yingying & sexy bernadette

bernadette & mii
ex-sheep & ex-shepherd