Friday, May 11, 2007
6:17 PM ♥
long time didn't post le cause my parent accuse me for 'spoiling' the com just because my dad could not access to the internet and i was the last one using it anyway SA1 over le so no more reason for me not to go online le bah but Os coming closer and closer i must get A1 for MT i must! must xia din jue xin then will achieve the msg 1 mahx don't think i did well for my SA1 cause some didnt have enough time to finish but at least my chemistry was still fine though make some silly mistake hate having exam in the hall because the fan keep blowing at me always me lohx then for a-math p2 i went to sit one seat behind which is the last one really hate sitting at the back but chemistry cannot ar so no choice someone's paper blew off lohx lol anyway my birthday coming so happy and i celebrating in advance with my relative this sunday plus celebration for mum's day of course then so many people birthday coming also ar so going shop for present tomorrow le monday going seoul garden for C.O celebration so excited for it going to take a lot of pic then post it online bah btw special thx to the following pp who had help mii a lot in some issue they are yujun sirong cindy and of course siqi thx a lot !
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