Friday, June 08, 2007
4:43 PM ♥
coaching finally end but still got lots of work to do every week lehx still have tution on sunday and on monday lots of work for myself because Os coming
yesterday went to watch YIN YUE GE DOU CHANG at mediacorp meet xue er at 4.45pm but went late because i walk there then got to wait quite long for the traffic went to Q-bread buy my favourite sandwich then went mrt station to meet cai juan we very hardworking de lohx study on he train so time seem to be very fast today have some kind of geography open-book test but we guai mahx so went to study i really dam crazy lohx i went to study chemistry despite having lots of work to do the whole trip took less than hour went meet qian hui, kai wen and aik yong outside 7-11 the rest of them still eating then take cab to mediacorp we very unluckily lehx all the taxi we take say dunno how to go there so got to change and change ar luckily winie also help ask find taxi mii, cai juan, xue er and qian hui took taxi together then share the cost reach mediacorp early so stand there talking think saw xue lin's neighbour forget her name le waited dam long then finally went in
the first things was LIN YU ZHONG !!! so many people lohx definately more than 80 sat at the last two row the view was fine can see LIN YU ZHONG and will not appear on TV he look so shuai better than on TV he very friendly lohx still crack jokes he ask yuan dian bo dao na li le then the people say until he in jail he say ' haha wo chong lao li tao chu lai le' he sang 3 songs - yuan dian de zhu ti qu , chang yin de yan di and xuan lu i love the song xuan lu most somemore he still play guitar lehx but i dam unluckily the show will give everyone two pong pong kind of thing for you to hit to make noise then mine leak air lohx what liao LIN YU ZHONG roX !!! then wang jian fu and su zhi cheng interview him lohx what liao lehx becuase i sit too high le so didn manage to get his picture qian hui went to record but pic not clear lohx i should have sit in front mahx
some people left le went to chase him next is MI LU BIN !!! they set up the drum for 45 min lohx so long love their performance too they sang chen jie yi song heard that song before this is one of the song they use for their superband competetion but they got quite a no. of NG ar they sang live then the audience was like dam high the music was so dam nice plus loud
after that some people went home next performance by J3 their song also not bad prefer jacky among the three they seldom have NG so was still quite fast then they recorded the opening jeff at first say wrong lohx dong ying zhong xue then when they introduce us that we are east view sec student then we kept hittting the thinggy lohx so fun ! after that is invite J3 and mi lu bin out love the song j3 sang lin jun jie de bian hao 89757 plus interview them it was quite long actually they got interview a lot and sang a lot lohx only when shown on TV they cut a lot ar jeff and su zhi chang are very funny crack jokees with us they told us that the recording will be till 12 am not 11.15pm le
after that i went home le cause aready 11.35pm le today got school so better dun go home to late my dad drove cai juan to 201 that side and xue er to the school bus stop there then went back le i love the experience lohx but the place is really dam small not like in TV it is smaller than my living room lohx didn watch he games lohx wasted ar but really hope that i won't appear on TV very pai seh wan especailly at the opening
MI LU BIN pOweR laH !!
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Friday, June 08, 2007
4:43 PM ♥
coaching finally end but still got lots of work to do every week lehx still have tution on sunday and on monday lots of work for myself because Os coming
yesterday went to watch YIN YUE GE DOU CHANG at mediacorp meet xue er at 4.45pm but went late because i walk there then got to wait quite long for the traffic went to Q-bread buy my favourite sandwich then went mrt station to meet cai juan we very hardworking de lohx study on he train so time seem to be very fast today have some kind of geography open-book test but we guai mahx so went to study i really dam crazy lohx i went to study chemistry despite having lots of work to do the whole trip took less than hour went meet qian hui, kai wen and aik yong outside 7-11 the rest of them still eating then take cab to mediacorp we very unluckily lehx all the taxi we take say dunno how to go there so got to change and change ar luckily winie also help ask find taxi mii, cai juan, xue er and qian hui took taxi together then share the cost reach mediacorp early so stand there talking think saw xue lin's neighbour forget her name le waited dam long then finally went in
the first things was LIN YU ZHONG !!! so many people lohx definately more than 80 sat at the last two row the view was fine can see LIN YU ZHONG and will not appear on TV he look so shuai better than on TV he very friendly lohx still crack jokes he ask yuan dian bo dao na li le then the people say until he in jail he say ' haha wo chong lao li tao chu lai le' he sang 3 songs - yuan dian de zhu ti qu , chang yin de yan di and xuan lu i love the song xuan lu most somemore he still play guitar lehx but i dam unluckily the show will give everyone two pong pong kind of thing for you to hit to make noise then mine leak air lohx what liao LIN YU ZHONG roX !!! then wang jian fu and su zhi cheng interview him lohx what liao lehx becuase i sit too high le so didn manage to get his picture qian hui went to record but pic not clear lohx i should have sit in front mahx
some people left le went to chase him next is MI LU BIN !!! they set up the drum for 45 min lohx so long love their performance too they sang chen jie yi song heard that song before this is one of the song they use for their superband competetion but they got quite a no. of NG ar they sang live then the audience was like dam high the music was so dam nice plus loud
after that some people went home next performance by J3 their song also not bad prefer jacky among the three they seldom have NG so was still quite fast then they recorded the opening jeff at first say wrong lohx dong ying zhong xue then when they introduce us that we are east view sec student then we kept hittting the thinggy lohx so fun ! after that is invite J3 and mi lu bin out love the song j3 sang lin jun jie de bian hao 89757 plus interview them it was quite long actually they got interview a lot and sang a lot lohx only when shown on TV they cut a lot ar jeff and su zhi chang are very funny crack jokees with us they told us that the recording will be till 12 am not 11.15pm le
after that i went home le cause aready 11.35pm le today got school so better dun go home to late my dad drove cai juan to 201 that side and xue er to the school bus stop there then went back le i love the experience lohx but the place is really dam small not like in TV it is smaller than my living room lohx didn watch he games lohx wasted ar but really hope that i won't appear on TV very pai seh wan especailly at the opening
MI LU BIN pOweR laH !!