Monday, May 28, 2007
1:49 PM ♥
my blog rotting in progress having MT Os so promise not to touch the com unless i finish my OS MT now back home using com and blogging again today MT Os was still ok but what i m furious about is that none of the things i had study came out nor what Mrs Tan had predict there was nothing about environment friendly stuff, family, hp, . . . it came out, GAMBLING? i was rather shock anyway done the funtional writing before something about asking permission to visit orphanage today went school quite early to study study so hard yet none came out then waited very long outside the hall for the teachers to put the Os script on respective table had difficulty finding my seat lol sat neither too behind nor too front just that i really hate the fans i was quite panic cause unfamilar with the process got to write compo in a booklet i think i m really mad becasue i wrote 7 pages for one of my compo regarding the gambling stuff crazy right? then use my precious electronic dictionary really had a hard time to find it currently out of stock paper 2 was better much more easier than what i had done previously only got few got to write a lot of personal opinion i dam bad because in one of question for my opinion i go write does die thinggy somemore say my parents die not my faults ok as i really could not think of any didn't have much time left but tomorrow still got to go school as per normal because got coaching for more than 1 week poor thing right holiday cannot rest still must study like crazy
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Monday, May 28, 2007
1:49 PM ♥
my blog rotting in progress having MT Os so promise not to touch the com unless i finish my OS MT now back home using com and blogging again today MT Os was still ok but what i m furious about is that none of the things i had study came out nor what Mrs Tan had predict there was nothing about environment friendly stuff, family, hp, . . . it came out, GAMBLING? i was rather shock anyway done the funtional writing before something about asking permission to visit orphanage today went school quite early to study study so hard yet none came out then waited very long outside the hall for the teachers to put the Os script on respective table had difficulty finding my seat lol sat neither too behind nor too front just that i really hate the fans i was quite panic cause unfamilar with the process got to write compo in a booklet i think i m really mad becasue i wrote 7 pages for one of my compo regarding the gambling stuff crazy right? then use my precious electronic dictionary really had a hard time to find it currently out of stock paper 2 was better much more easier than what i had done previously only got few got to write a lot of personal opinion i dam bad because in one of question for my opinion i go write does die thinggy somemore say my parents die not my faults ok as i really could not think of any didn't have much time left but tomorrow still got to go school as per normal because got coaching for more than 1 week poor thing right holiday cannot rest still must study like crazy