comin sec 3 camp
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
11:47 AM ♥
2moro got sec 3 camp so xianz ve 2 spend 3 days over there there is so much things 2 brin but too lazy 2 pack maybe pack it 2 nite? see first dun feel like goin wan loh but my parent insist mii goin 2 the camp 2 experience somethin different so borin tis holidays is vry borin there is nothin much except hw so xianz so many pile of hw stack on my table much 2 lazy 2 do liao cuz my mind got polluted liao now not so hardworkin feel like takin a gd break tis SA1 didn do well got third in sch but nvm lah got improvement can liao english improve from c5 to b4 A-maths almost got b3 by zero . somethin L1R5 got 10 at least can go JC loh i dun expect much liao my sis say like tat at least got room for improvement others can see ur improvement better haha duno y now dun really bother about being top student or wat now more relaxed maybe my mind got polluted haha but one thing i quite angry is my physic cher mistooken mii as siqi in my report book he say tat i m a pleasent prefect??? so srry loh i not a prefect leh so funny loh i m siqin not siqi leh !!!
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my birthday celebration
Sunday, May 21, 2006
10:44 AM ♥
yesterday was my birthday, didn really celebrated but went out with my sis, ruwan n yu jun we went 2 watch over the hedge tat movie was so intersetin n funny the character inside were so kawaii, so cute so much cute action i kept laughin haha later went play arcade ply car racin , gun shootin kept losin 2 my sis in car racin always lose to her at the final round but win yu jun haha by luck of course later went ply CS quite fun noe how 2 ply liaobtw kept losin after yu jun's frienz join in kept losin but still manage 2 kill them some times but still vry lousy seldom ply, of course not vry gd wan after tat went back 2 TM be4 mii n my sis left give yu jun his present hope he like the present later my parent went to pick us up @ the bus stop, go celebrate at the jap. restaurant go ve a feast i m really very happy yesterday, i had a wonderful celebration !!!
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more n more
Friday, May 19, 2006
8:30 PM ♥
receivin more n more gift from frienz so happy so many of them! my group's chemistry project selected 4 the learning festival tis wed i wonder i should be happy or wat ve 2 war tat ugly t-shirt to sch on mon maybe i not goin 2 wear tat the t-shirt is so big loh better dun wear so ugly i dun like it!!!!! *sob 2day CO quite tirin, practisin like hell my finger hurts so much still ve 2 practise 4 next yr SYF cuz i senior must be more hardworkin then my junior maybe, tat y? i really appreciate the life i ve now, i m so happy~
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my present
Thursday, May 18, 2006
7:59 PM ♥
2day receive some presents feelin very delight my mum bought mii a mickey mouse earring, my sis bought mii a doggy soft toy or should be the power beads my junior had bought mii n my sis some soft toy, so cute leh like it very, very, much ve 2 thx her a lot then the soft toy so kawaii thx u alot, xin yi o so receive present from jess she bought 4 mii n my sis 2 the winnie the pooh look so cute loh some more can glow in the dark one, i like it very much tis comin birthday is sure 2 be the best day i ever had duno y leh btw just feel very happy lookin forward~
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wow! i got a great dae yesterdae... ...
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
12:18 PM ♥
i officially wanna thx 2 saints, yu jun n ruwan. i believe they ve spent a lot yesterdae. we al went 2 watch mission impossible, with each of us a regular set of popcorn n drink. e M:I 3 was vry nice n excitin. i strongly recommend this movie 2 e rest. it was really nice 2 go gamin, playin counter strike. it was really a great time 4 me 2 enjoy after e exams. really nice! i do hop 2 go gamin again with those ex-classmate. it seem tat i ve sort of addicted 2 gamin, tat i was facin a few years back. exactly i do not really got influence by those around me. they were al gd friens 2 me, really gd friens... ... - siqi
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Monday, May 15, 2006
6:46 PM ♥
Jang Hyuk as Kim Kyeong-su
Shin Min-a as Yu Chae-i(icy jade)
Kin Su-ro as Jang Ryang
Kwone Sang-hun as Song Hak-Rim <--my favourite character
Kong Hyo-jin as So Yo-seon
well , i m really crazy about Volcano High ~
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volcano high rawk
4:49 PM ♥
ever since i watched e volcano high tingi, i kept thinkin about it! it is so cool u see. u can always go 2 U-TUBE 2 check out 4 more. i realise tat e movie played on tv is not complete @ al. it really made me furious, cut out a lot of parts have been cutted out! SO BAD SIAH! i just realise e movie has been our 4 how many years already, i ve missed it 4 a long time! but i m glad i manage 2 watch it though... .... -siqi
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wat a dull uniform we al ve.......
Sunday, May 14, 2006
8:46 AM ♥
after watchin e vocalno high, i realise tat our uniform look so DULL. compared 2 them, it is so damn ugly. maybe it is hard 4 people 2 accept this kind of clothin, but it makes tat person look vry coolz. it rawk! this show is really gd, u al should watch it. but there is a bit of violent, not 2 imitade them. this is really a show which make me sit down there, watch n digest it. i strongly recommend u al should really watch it lol! -siqi
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volcano high
8:25 AM ♥
Cool~ my favorite movie "volcano high" !!!
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tH3 eNdiNg
Thursday, May 11, 2006
6:36 PM ♥
my birthday comin liao,hope faster come, can receive a lot of present i like gettin present so enjoyin i wonder wat should i ask my parents to buy 4 mii' xin rui birthday comin o so, i wonder wat should i buy 4 her? let mii think. 2day @ home quite borin, nthin 2 do or maybe 2 lazy 2 do so keep usin PC to help mii past time haiz~ well, i enjoy my sec 3 life more than my sec2 life cuz got bad experience* dun need 2 say surely ll affect mii if not i ll be still a nerd loh ya, now at least better! haha well, from my bad experience* i learn how to overcome problems and definately loneliness well, i m still afraid of it rite now friendship is equally important 2 mii i shall say now my life better liao, much more intestin cuz got 2 da jie in claz wat long time didn go back to livin spring liao miss my frienz over there n 2 sister! jus now heard from amanda n jing wen tat they hope we go back see them, so touchin ya, long time didn seee them liao surely miss them loh. btw cuz 2 busy so no choice no time go back visit them
may god be with them~
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