2moRroW. OMG
Friday, March 24, 2006
5:23 PM ♥
OMG. 2morrow goin perform @ TM. so pai seh loh. btw luckily my liu qin grp frienz goin there 2 support. i felt vry happy. tats of course. i ve arranged 2 meet cindy 2morrow 2grther 4 breakfast then go sch 2gether i wonder wat it ll be like . i hope not many pp ll come cuz if 2 many pp go. i ll feel vry pai seh. btw so xianz loh go sch so early jus 2 practice loh so tired. after few hour then go TM. still ve 2 wait 4 out turn loh. somemore last 1. wait,wait,wait,wait............ aiyo worse ve 2 bron my liu qin home cuz dun 1 return sch. wan go oout wth frienz after e performance. maybe tas y
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