styin @ hm
Sunday, March 12, 2006
2:24 PM ♥
2day i m styin @ home alone. all because no time finish my work loh! so sad! i really had a burned holidy loh! dam cher. so tired, every dy got work 2 do> can;t believe it. =p i m really unluckly! plus got some more CCA 4 many hours!!!!! i can;t believe it1
HATEZ sch!!!!
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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styin @ hm
Sunday, March 12, 2006
2:24 PM ♥
2day i m styin @ home alone. all because no time finish my work loh! so sad! i really had a burned holidy loh! dam cher. so tired, every dy got work 2 do> can;t believe it. =p i m really unluckly! plus got some more CCA 4 many hours!!!!! i can;t believe it1
HATEZ sch!!!!