hip hip horay!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
2:48 PM ♥
2dae is a vry gd day! VANDALIST.......has just been born 2day, yes is 2day, no doubt about it. we finally agree on a name tat suit us, we al vandalise. we done it on table n blah blah blah.......... it really suit us, it is like perfect 4 us. our group name is neutral n does not ve meaning, really. this is e group tat hold us 2gether, as 1 team n a clit. i now do realise how lucky i m in 307. i now hold memory 4 this year, beautiful n precious memory. it should be e time 2 let my memory go, about in sec 2, class 208. i realise i ve 2 belive in 1 group. althogh i no tat there is a lot of beautiful n fun memory, but my brain can only save 1, 1 only! maybe it is a gd start 4 me, continue 2 walk 2ward my future. my life in sch is quite fun xcept, chinese orchestra. e mr goh always scold our section. 1 4 al, al 4 1. i think he is prejuiced 2 our section. get scoldin 4 no reason, alway mention about how he use 2 do when he is in band, so annoyin. phew, finally holidays comin! i ve waited 4 this days 4 so long, so long............. -siqi
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