feelin low 2day??
Friday, March 03, 2006
5:53 PM ♥
i hate 2 go C.O. tis is e 2nd time i being blame by e C.O cher. btw i can tell u who.i really hate goin 2 C.O cazi fel tat watever i do is wrong.on thur he questioned mi y i came 2 look 4 my score so late. i still had 2 xplain. wat liao, is the instructor came late wat. then he say y i didn tell him tat the string is out of stock.i ve aready told e instructor liao loh!2day, he want us 2 stay bck 4 a while. he says y the liu qin section took a long time 2 tune e instrument. he must understand loh. out of 6 pp only 2 know how 2 tune leh. some more need change string. of course ned a lot of time. nvm i may be at fault. btw, he even question mi in front of so many pp, ask y all e liu qing cane to look for our main instructor. i was there, to take score. how do i know all of them went there. he say i m e senior, must be responsible 4 e instrument. i vry angry!!!vry... ... i had been tunin e instrument 4 1 hour, i even had blister on both my hand. worse, i had cut my hand when cai juan's liu qing string break. i m really fare up! i hate C.O... ...
♥ 3 lovely notes