Sunday, October 26, 2008
10:23 PM ♥
Mother tongue ‘A’ level is drawing close, and I am still unprepared for it. With the few more days I have before the actual paper, I guess I better do something wise or I would have to take the paper again for the second time. Touch wood. My mother tongue is not as good as I thought. I think I could only obtain the maximum grade ‘B’ if I am lucky.
I am recalling what Qin has told me while both of us were having our dinner at East point. Seriously, I think what she said makes a lot of sense to me. Perhaps, a third person could see the bigger picture better? Hopefully this is true.
Even though I missed the ‘Freedom’ service on Saturday, I heard from Kim that the ESS was very cool. I think it must be. I hope that the ESS was a successful one for the TPJC care group. Hope so. I admit that I intentionally scheduled my tuition on a Saturday afternoon so that I could miss the ESS. Do not ask me why I dislike ESS service, because I simply just do not like it. Too boring and dry for a person like me. Personally, I feel that ESS service is not as good as the usual ones. Even though there may be performances or whatever, it does not interest me much. Perhaps, I am not even put God in priority. I am a bad salt and light.
For some time, I always tend to keep my feelings to myself. I do not want to tell others is not because I am afraid of them, but I respect them. I believe no one like to hear people comment about themselves. Neither do I. So, I usually would just bottle up my feelings. Even though I know that this practice is not healthy, I continue to do so. But for once, I am going to reveal them. Recalling what Qin told me while both of us were having dinner at East point; I do realize that what she said makes a lot of sense. Maybe I should take up her suggestions and tell others how I feel; this would then be fair to them. Hopefully I hope I am doing it right. I am wondering if I should attend care group or not. Maybe I should use the opportunity to hang about with my friends. Perhaps I would be happier? Most probably will, I guess.
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Sunday, October 26, 2008
10:23 PM ♥
Mother tongue ‘A’ level is drawing close, and I am still unprepared for it. With the few more days I have before the actual paper, I guess I better do something wise or I would have to take the paper again for the second time. Touch wood. My mother tongue is not as good as I thought. I think I could only obtain the maximum grade ‘B’ if I am lucky.
I am recalling what Qin has told me while both of us were having our dinner at East point. Seriously, I think what she said makes a lot of sense to me. Perhaps, a third person could see the bigger picture better? Hopefully this is true.
Even though I missed the ‘Freedom’ service on Saturday, I heard from Kim that the ESS was very cool. I think it must be. I hope that the ESS was a successful one for the TPJC care group. Hope so. I admit that I intentionally scheduled my tuition on a Saturday afternoon so that I could miss the ESS. Do not ask me why I dislike ESS service, because I simply just do not like it. Too boring and dry for a person like me. Personally, I feel that ESS service is not as good as the usual ones. Even though there may be performances or whatever, it does not interest me much. Perhaps, I am not even put God in priority. I am a bad salt and light.
For some time, I always tend to keep my feelings to myself. I do not want to tell others is not because I am afraid of them, but I respect them. I believe no one like to hear people comment about themselves. Neither do I. So, I usually would just bottle up my feelings. Even though I know that this practice is not healthy, I continue to do so. But for once, I am going to reveal them. Recalling what Qin told me while both of us were having dinner at East point; I do realize that what she said makes a lot of sense. Maybe I should take up her suggestions and tell others how I feel; this would then be fair to them. Hopefully I hope I am doing it right. I am wondering if I should attend care group or not. Maybe I should use the opportunity to hang about with my friends. Perhaps I would be happier? Most probably will, I guess.