Saturday, October 04, 2008
10:40 AM ♥
As I was reflecting on how much I have grown from a mischievous and rebellious kid to a kid with some self- control, I just realized that in my whole life, I never said these 3 little words. I never said these 3 words, “I love you” to anyone before throughout my life till now. Not to my parents, and not to anyone. In the past, I never believe in ‘love’ at all. I never believe that ‘love’ could be never ending and everlasting. But, now I know I am wrong. There is always someone who showered me with ‘love’ and care, and accepted me whoever I am. And this person is God!
I love you God! I think currently God is the only person who is worthy of these 3 little words. God blessed me abundantly everyday single day, whether rain or shine. God is an awesome God!!!
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Saturday, October 04, 2008
10:40 AM ♥
As I was reflecting on how much I have grown from a mischievous and rebellious kid to a kid with some self- control, I just realized that in my whole life, I never said these 3 little words. I never said these 3 words, “I love you” to anyone before throughout my life till now. Not to my parents, and not to anyone. In the past, I never believe in ‘love’ at all. I never believe that ‘love’ could be never ending and everlasting. But, now I know I am wrong. There is always someone who showered me with ‘love’ and care, and accepted me whoever I am. And this person is God!
I love you God! I think currently God is the only person who is worthy of these 3 little words. God blessed me abundantly everyday single day, whether rain or shine. God is an awesome God!!!