Tuesday, September 30, 2008
12:16 AM ♥
My arms hurt like crazy now! How long have I not exercised? I feel that I am rather ‘unfit’. I sweat like mad, and I pant like a dog. That is totally not fit at all!!!! It has been like ancient since I last touched a tennis racket, perhaps several years ago. The excitement of holding a tennis racket came to me again today. I joined Ryan, Chicky and Edwin (I hope I got the spelling right) for tennis after lessons. I guess many would be surprise why I would join the guys for tennis. Then let me explain for myself once and for all. I was so pissed with my project work team-mate that I wanted to play some violent sport to vent my anger. So… … Tennis is really a sport that requires arm strength and strong stamina. I know that I am not there yet, but I would continue to train. I do notice that the guys played pretty well, unlike me, I am just a newbie. But it was good try to experience something different, something that I do not get to do very often. Cool… … I shall rest for now.
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
12:16 AM ♥
My arms hurt like crazy now! How long have I not exercised? I feel that I am rather ‘unfit’. I sweat like mad, and I pant like a dog. That is totally not fit at all!!!! It has been like ancient since I last touched a tennis racket, perhaps several years ago. The excitement of holding a tennis racket came to me again today. I joined Ryan, Chicky and Edwin (I hope I got the spelling right) for tennis after lessons. I guess many would be surprise why I would join the guys for tennis. Then let me explain for myself once and for all. I was so pissed with my project work team-mate that I wanted to play some violent sport to vent my anger. So… … Tennis is really a sport that requires arm strength and strong stamina. I know that I am not there yet, but I would continue to train. I do notice that the guys played pretty well, unlike me, I am just a newbie. But it was good try to experience something different, something that I do not get to do very often. Cool… … I shall rest for now.