Wednesday, September 24, 2008
10:44 PM ♥
Every single day, I looked forward to the college life. I simply enjoyed myself with the people from my class. The initial feeling I had for the class is finally back. Maybe is because I spent most of my time with these people, they are like a family to me, even dearer than the people in the care group. I wonder why. I feel that I play a role in the class, not to mention that I am the treasurer for the class. I feel that my presence makes a different. I feel secured. But I have no idea why I do not feel this way in the care group. I always wanted to know what went wrong. Perhaps it was me? I have begin not to enjoy going for service recently because I usually have my outings with my friends on the same day. Attending service means that I lose an opportunity to hang around with these people. But I know that Calista and Sheryl are not going to let me skipped my service. I surrender to them!
I think I should meet and have a talk with Christine soon before my thoughts become too extreme. Seriously, I enjoyed talking to Christine. My meeting with her looks like a shepherding more than a counseling session with me. She could not only help me mentally and physically, but she also helps me spiritually. I could always feel free to ask her what I was in doubt of, and she always gives me good advices. She is awesome! Perhaps a talk with her would allow me to see things clearly now. She is currently the only person I could really confide to. Thank God for sending her to help me. Thank you God!
trying to fulfill other peoples' needs
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
10:44 PM ♥
Every single day, I looked forward to the college life. I simply enjoyed myself with the people from my class. The initial feeling I had for the class is finally back. Maybe is because I spent most of my time with these people, they are like a family to me, even dearer than the people in the care group. I wonder why. I feel that I play a role in the class, not to mention that I am the treasurer for the class. I feel that my presence makes a different. I feel secured. But I have no idea why I do not feel this way in the care group. I always wanted to know what went wrong. Perhaps it was me? I have begin not to enjoy going for service recently because I usually have my outings with my friends on the same day. Attending service means that I lose an opportunity to hang around with these people. But I know that Calista and Sheryl are not going to let me skipped my service. I surrender to them!
I think I should meet and have a talk with Christine soon before my thoughts become too extreme. Seriously, I enjoyed talking to Christine. My meeting with her looks like a shepherding more than a counseling session with me. She could not only help me mentally and physically, but she also helps me spiritually. I could always feel free to ask her what I was in doubt of, and she always gives me good advices. She is awesome! Perhaps a talk with her would allow me to see things clearly now. She is currently the only person I could really confide to. Thank God for sending her to help me. Thank you God!
trying to fulfill other peoples' needs