Thursday, December 06, 2007
5:10 PM ♥
back from genting trip kind of tired cuz got to stsrt work today again le went EPPS then PRPS always transfer mii here and there wan
woke up early in the morning cuz must leave early in case of traffic jam at the immigration checkpoint tat side i bought lotts of things realli most is hair product cuz must take good care of my hair after rebondingwe reach genting 5hours ltr but we stop at melaka first for lunch the food was okay except got a lot of fly flying arnd so i was busy fanning the fly away i guess the pp there shld noe tat we are not local cuz we are the only one doing tat btw i didn not sleep at all during the journey first time worr waited dam long to check in cuz there is lotts and lotts of ppover there i think there is a C.O SYF at the ballroom for the school in malaysia but weird arr i oso saw deyi sec sch student there arr the room was okay loh but better than last time wan ahx after resting a while then go shop shop arond wif my parents well there is nth much cuz not the first time go there le go play pool my dad quite pro arr acccuracy is realli dam good as for mii arr the lousiest of all lohx as usual then go arcade play $10 each play until siao arr try a lot of game tat i didn play before anyway i got some improvement in my shooting le go turn the ''dan-dan'' i oways do this when go genting but this time only 3 tokens i love it lotts lohx after tat go walk outisde to experience the cloud and the cold wind was realli dam cold i was shivering all the way siqi and my dad then go archery skills was okay okay lohx heard from siqi that their shooting method diff from s'pore wan arr we ate chinese food for dinner the food dam expensive three cold dishes for Rm 50 + somemore vry little but i like the claypot hong jiu ji and zhu jiao chu this two dish then worth it lohx for supper then have the dunno wat wan can't rmbr the name but is vry specail wan never heard before in s'pore de it was dam tasty weather so cold that i was shivering even after wearing thick jacket and cover myself wif blanket
bathing in the morning was so ______ i almost shiver to death hahax the brekfast wasw better last time was but i didn eat much except for zhu chan fen after tat went play indoor and outdoor game le play for a total of 7 hours my dad then gave mii and qi Rm 50 each but siqi accidentally lost Rm 15 we had our lunch and dinner at the kopithiam the food was okay but the jap food not bad arr i carried my camera arnd took lotts of pic then got to but batt at Only easy store cuz all used up actually want buy a plushie wan cuz is realli dam cheap and for qi as well but my dad was saying tat i wasting money i was like -.-''' play poker card in my parents room then go watch performance ''FLY'' dam boring and the tricks are so ______ i almost fell asleep weather is colder than usual and i kept saying '' chill down my spine'' but i still get my favourite green bean mcflurry which is dam good but too bad only avaliable in malaysia's mac but anyway it is dam yummy but the price is slighhtly higher in genting mac than in other mac store in malaysia i took a toal of 18 rides including both indoor and outdoor game
like this ride due to influence from stairways to heaven but this is slightly smaller i like it lotts
though quite childish but i like the elephant and can fly vry high worr
dam not scary and i wonder why some pp scream throughout the ride
''cycle'' through the waterquite tiring and it is kind of difficult to control the boat properly
okay lohx just travel round the park
dam waste time not scary at all plus the light dam uncomfortable spoil my eyes lohx
nth much as usual just take few photo
not scary cuz is smaller so dare let go my hand
still quite scary to let go of my hand so i grab tightly to the metal thinggy i scream a little cuz it is quite fast at one point so giddy arr
this is the best ride dam exciting cuz some portion quite dark then canot see the track somemore mii and qi took the last sit the speed quite fast got one pt go down dam fast that you dun think u are sitting down
got to attend a short lesson first drive as fast as i could dam fun arr especailly the turning enjoy it lotts but i dam blurr dunno how to take off my helmet haahx so i was the last to leave
okay lohx not realli vry fast wan but still not bad lahx
visit the green house see the flower
fun and i like the lighting lotts
normal ride suitable after meal cuz vry relaxed can rest mahx
love the lighting especially the swan wan but i took the one which is a dragon
first time the sit got problem so it didn move but the second time wan then okay
eat breakfast as usual but i ate a lot went back pack stuff first then went walk around wif siqi then oso take photo went back watch local drama but dam pissed off becuz they used the music in stairways to heaven wat liao lohx the music so nice then anyhow use it in their show left early and on the way feel so giddy becuz of the turning of the road almost going vomit so went to sleep have lunch at melaka restaurant food dam nice and is also cheap mahx went walk around jusco then siqi go buy her sport shoe
pic load soon XD
♥ 0 lovely notes