Friday, August 31, 2007
12:12 PM ♥
pic(S) taken on 30/8 & 31/9
Mrs Cho for being the most caring teacher!!!
not forgeting . . .
Mr Goh as the most inspiring teacher!!
well i really want to thx all these teacher(S) again:
Mrs Tan for teaching mii Chinese
Mrs cho for teaching mii chemistry
Miss Tan for helping mii with chemistry
Mr Tsia for teaching mii Physic
Mr Goh for helping mii in Physic too
Mrs Mani for teaching mii both a & e math
Miss Tan for teaching mii geography
Mr Foo for teaching mii Social Studies
Miss Teo my sec2 teacher as well as with my physic next time
sorrie if i forgotten any other teachers
really appreciate these teachers' effort !!
pai seh i just load some of the photo in random:

for Mrs Tan
shared between mii and siqi cuz both of us were broke
i love the candy !!!
for Mr Foo
cuz he like Death Note too !!!
especailly L
so siqi came up wif this idea
some fridge magnet for other teachers
it look so cute lohx
my favourite !!!
the wrapping paper is dam cute worr...

mii & kitty
mii doing this outdated pose (dam ugly)
all thx to some people lohx . . .
frienz 4eva
my hair was messy after the walk
why no one tell mii????
cai juan & xue er
. . . smiling happily*

xin rui, cai juan, xue er & mii
hao peng you worr ~
some of the girl in 406
kiity, yan jun, jia yi, kai wen, xin rui
jane, sin ee & winnie
nice shot isn't it?
again but wif ruwan at the back
what is he doing??
want to have a drink??
winnie, jia yi, kai wen & mii
taking photo
well everyone love camera, do they?

winnie & 'auntie' cai juan
kai wen & mii
kawaii eh ~
next shot . . .
another shot . . .
lois, sri, winnie & jane
shepherd & mii

yuan zhen & mii

vinitha, mii & sri
everyone are having fun!!
jeremy & sri
wah. . . ate so much

another siqin?
wah . . .
i m zhi lian kuang!!
xinyi & mii
happen to saw her walk pass my class
mii & brendon
everyone look engaged
what's going on?
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Friday, August 31, 2007
12:12 PM ♥
pic(S) taken on 30/8 & 31/9
Mrs Cho for being the most caring teacher!!!
not forgeting . . .
Mr Goh as the most inspiring teacher!!
well i really want to thx all these teacher(S) again:
Mrs Tan for teaching mii Chinese
Mrs cho for teaching mii chemistry
Miss Tan for helping mii with chemistry
Mr Tsia for teaching mii Physic
Mr Goh for helping mii in Physic too
Mrs Mani for teaching mii both a & e math
Miss Tan for teaching mii geography
Mr Foo for teaching mii Social Studies
Miss Teo my sec2 teacher as well as with my physic next time
sorrie if i forgotten any other teachers
really appreciate these teachers' effort !!
pai seh i just load some of the photo in random:

for Mrs Tan
shared between mii and siqi cuz both of us were broke
i love the candy !!!
for Mr Foo
cuz he like Death Note too !!!
especailly L
so siqi came up wif this idea
some fridge magnet for other teachers
it look so cute lohx
my favourite !!!
the wrapping paper is dam cute worr...

mii & kitty
mii doing this outdated pose (dam ugly)
all thx to some people lohx . . .
frienz 4eva
my hair was messy after the walk
why no one tell mii????
cai juan & xue er
. . . smiling happily*

xin rui, cai juan, xue er & mii
hao peng you worr ~
some of the girl in 406
kiity, yan jun, jia yi, kai wen, xin rui
jane, sin ee & winnie
nice shot isn't it?
again but wif ruwan at the back
what is he doing??
want to have a drink??
winnie, jia yi, kai wen & mii
taking photo
well everyone love camera, do they?

winnie & 'auntie' cai juan
kai wen & mii
kawaii eh ~
next shot . . .
another shot . . .
lois, sri, winnie & jane
shepherd & mii

yuan zhen & mii

vinitha, mii & sri
everyone are having fun!!
jeremy & sri
wah. . . ate so much

another siqin?
wah . . .
i m zhi lian kuang!!
xinyi & mii
happen to saw her walk pass my class
mii & brendon
everyone look engaged
what's going on?