Saturday, August 18, 2007
5:40 AM ♥
rush to science lab immediately before school to look for my pink colour pencil case left it in the lab during physic lesson ar sch was still the same except i really hated the mock test during MT went to look for teacher as usual with xue er, yuan zhen and aik yong then after school cuz i finish chemistry qn le so left xue er asking mrs Tan while i look for Mr Goh for one or two qn i came across i was so desperate to clarify all my doubts in physic and chem then of course also advance booking lahx everyone is really working hard for the o lvl most people chose to study during recess or when there is free period seldom sit down there and chat le so at least class not that noisy went have lunch with siqi, xue er and alicia i m dam blur lohx for the mock either or qn i go do both lohx but luckily siqi stop me before i did the last qn for the either is about gradient wan yan jun was telling me that she find it quite weird when she saw me doing the graph qn twice mahx but is some kind of test u see so cannot communicate lohx once reach home thten went sleep le i was really dam tired and of course surf the net for about one hour or so then after that went study i love friday especially because it is the only time i have a valid reason to stay up till around 6am like what i doing now without getting scolding from my parents tooo bad today no mood to sleep early mahx ^^
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Saturday, August 18, 2007
5:40 AM ♥
rush to science lab immediately before school to look for my pink colour pencil case left it in the lab during physic lesson ar sch was still the same except i really hated the mock test during MT went to look for teacher as usual with xue er, yuan zhen and aik yong then after school cuz i finish chemistry qn le so left xue er asking mrs Tan while i look for Mr Goh for one or two qn i came across i was so desperate to clarify all my doubts in physic and chem then of course also advance booking lahx everyone is really working hard for the o lvl most people chose to study during recess or when there is free period seldom sit down there and chat le so at least class not that noisy went have lunch with siqi, xue er and alicia i m dam blur lohx for the mock either or qn i go do both lohx but luckily siqi stop me before i did the last qn for the either is about gradient wan yan jun was telling me that she find it quite weird when she saw me doing the graph qn twice mahx but is some kind of test u see so cannot communicate lohx once reach home thten went sleep le i was really dam tired and of course surf the net for about one hour or so then after that went study i love friday especially because it is the only time i have a valid reason to stay up till around 6am like what i doing now without getting scolding from my parents tooo bad today no mood to sleep early mahx ^^