cosplay rawk....
Saturday, August 11, 2007
10:58 PM ♥

tis is cheng kang. wearin suit in a HOT HOT dae...
tis photos r taken by mii durin e cosplay event held outside cineleisure. i wanna complaint! tis Darryl always like 2 take shap shots! he is dangerous! but, overall e event is rather nice n fun. mii, ruwan, cheng kang n darryl have meet up at tm mrt tis afternoon. i tot i will be late but i didn't. yipee, finally! we went 2 cineleisure 2 ve chicken rice, but i find it not tat gd lah. we then waited 4 a long time, like ancient 4 e event 2 strt. y does pp like 2 strt things late, it reli took us a lot of time. we stand, we stroll, we stare, ... reli seems 2 be 4ever. until... ... we went 4 a movie at 3pm 2 watch RUSH HOUR 3. e movie, so damn funny... ...when we came out, i tot e event would ve ended. BUT...but it has not. it seems tat it is jus like a beginin.... we took photos of different cosplayers. cloud from final fantasy, naruto,... ... but i wanna mention abt tis. tis eventis held outdoor, which also means tat smokers r allow. tis reli make it worse as smoke is everywhere, surroundin me, makin me breathless... .. . but everythin, not so bad. worth me 4 goin
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