Friday, January 12, 2007
6:09 PM ♥
long time didn update my blog le cuz busy in sch some more come home late so didn ve enough time to relax myself today i m so sad becuz the bbq has been cancelled after so much planning among ourm group we were so excited lohx then suddenly been cancelled we even decide our identity n the time to mit up wa liao last minute then inform wan tomorrow got CIP again but i think i ll slack even more le cuz realli ve no mood to do anythin tis is the second time le lohx anyway after C.O got to mit up wif simin wan but realise tat i ll be late severely cuz no bus fare le omg i oways forget to top up wan so went to join others at the bubble tea shop to eat while talking i die le cuz i duno how to ply lohx wasted eight hr of pratice due to the surgery so now vry difficult to catch up i m so stress lohx got so much things for mii to complete oso not enough sleep realli wished to stay at home n sleep =p
i want to sleep !!!
♥ 0 lovely notes