Sunday, December 31, 2006
9:56 AM ♥
today is the last day of yr 2006 n i guess many had already set their new yr resolution i realli had a fun time tis christmas n realli an unforgetable wan cuz first time had tis minor surgery which cuz mii to stay at home for 5 days n tis christmas receive quite a lot including blessing from God n when we had breakthrough 1000 after so much hardwork well i did met my target n vision god has given mii tis yr
breakthrough in courage
being a shepherd/follow-upper of 3
n for the coming new yr i ll like to fufil tis of the following
be in the coreteam by May tis yr
ve a sheep in EVSS
set up a EVSS cg in the sch
good result for all my subjects
n i realli hope tat in the coming new yr things ll go smoothly for my studies BUT for my life i wish God ll put in more problems n difficulties so tat through all tis experiences tat i may grow n mature more in the kingdom of God
anyway dun think ll go countdown today cuz ve not finish my hw so thought of joinin siewling thy all do hw let mii think . . . n Death Note 2 ve not watch yet ahh hopefully after sch then go watch ?! but realli thx God for tis yr n i ask God for more breakthrough in the coming yr
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Sunday, December 31, 2006
9:56 AM ♥
today is the last day of yr 2006 n i guess many had already set their new yr resolution i realli had a fun time tis christmas n realli an unforgetable wan cuz first time had tis minor surgery which cuz mii to stay at home for 5 days n tis christmas receive quite a lot including blessing from God n when we had breakthrough 1000 after so much hardwork well i did met my target n vision god has given mii tis yr
breakthrough in courage
being a shepherd/follow-upper of 3
n for the coming new yr i ll like to fufil tis of the following
be in the coreteam by May tis yr
ve a sheep in EVSS
set up a EVSS cg in the sch
good result for all my subjects
n i realli hope tat in the coming new yr things ll go smoothly for my studies BUT for my life i wish God ll put in more problems n difficulties so tat through all tis experiences tat i may grow n mature more in the kingdom of God
anyway dun think ll go countdown today cuz ve not finish my hw so thought of joinin siewling thy all do hw let mii think . . . n Death Note 2 ve not watch yet ahh hopefully after sch then go watch ?! but realli thx God for tis yr n i ask God for more breakthrough in the coming yr