crazy mii
Friday, July 14, 2006
4:28 PM ♥
2day is my favourite day basically becuz 2moro dun ve sch can sleep late n wake up late but canot cuz tomoro ve 2 watch last monday superband didn manage 2 catch it cuz go tuition so sad study like mad again not so mad actually but thy think tat i quite crazy always study, study thinkin tat thy r rite too should i study any1 can tell mii feelin so confused rite now canot find a reason 4 mii not 2 study well, it just tat studyin is somethin i do 2 keep myself occupy myself cuz i just can't communicate with others even wth my parents so maybe doin tis can help be too busy 2 think about anythin really crazy rite i m just afraid tat everythin ll change things i used 2 ve ll be gone so scared => narrow minded, i guess ... ...
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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crazy mii
Friday, July 14, 2006
4:28 PM ♥
2day is my favourite day basically becuz 2moro dun ve sch can sleep late n wake up late but canot cuz tomoro ve 2 watch last monday superband didn manage 2 catch it cuz go tuition so sad study like mad again not so mad actually but thy think tat i quite crazy always study, study thinkin tat thy r rite too should i study any1 can tell mii feelin so confused rite now canot find a reason 4 mii not 2 study well, it just tat studyin is somethin i do 2 keep myself occupy myself cuz i just can't communicate with others even wth my parents so maybe doin tis can help be too busy 2 think about anythin really crazy rite i m just afraid tat everythin ll change things i used 2 ve ll be gone so scared => narrow minded, i guess ... ...