comin sec 3 camp
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
11:47 AM ♥
2moro got sec 3 camp so xianz ve 2 spend 3 days over there there is so much things 2 brin but too lazy 2 pack maybe pack it 2 nite? see first dun feel like goin wan loh but my parent insist mii goin 2 the camp 2 experience somethin different so borin tis holidays is vry borin there is nothin much except hw so xianz so many pile of hw stack on my table much 2 lazy 2 do liao cuz my mind got polluted liao now not so hardworkin feel like takin a gd break tis SA1 didn do well got third in sch but nvm lah got improvement can liao english improve from c5 to b4 A-maths almost got b3 by zero . somethin L1R5 got 10 at least can go JC loh i dun expect much liao my sis say like tat at least got room for improvement others can see ur improvement better haha duno y now dun really bother about being top student or wat now more relaxed maybe my mind got polluted haha but one thing i quite angry is my physic cher mistooken mii as siqi in my report book he say tat i m a pleasent prefect??? so srry loh i not a prefect leh so funny loh i m siqin not siqi leh !!!
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