CaMe BsCk fRoM cAmp
Friday, June 02, 2006
3:23 PM ♥
2day return home after stayin at the camp 4 3 days 2 nite. so fun! reali enjoy myself a lot! well, at first i was in gp 9 then 2 qp 5 n then 2 gp 6. so poor thin. got 2 go 2 a gp where by none of ur gd frienz were there. so sad~ but nvm got 2 noe some frienz over there. the food was ok except 2days breakfast, it was horrible. On the 1st nite we ply kidnapped whereby our leader was being kidnap n we had 2 save him. but 2 bad, we came in last. due 2 the absence of teamwork, maybe?? then on the 2nd day, we go 4 our game station n then 4 the amazin race. it was so tirin. runnin over the island of sentosa by foot. 2 bad,we didn complete the race, we had stopped earlier 2 bath. every1 was racin 2 the toliet 4 a bath. can't wait 2 clean ourselves up. in the end, gp 3, siqi's gp nite we had our campfire, so interestin, had 2 put up a performance. in the end we combine force wth gp5 2 perform an advertisment. can't believe tat i had 2 be a TV post. so pai seh loh! ask mii be a stupid post in front of so many pp. the camp was rather fun, BUT ...
i was biten by many mosquito, so itchy loh so tis tell mii tat,
being part of the nature = being biten by idiot mosquito
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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CaMe BsCk fRoM cAmp
Friday, June 02, 2006
3:23 PM ♥
2day return home after stayin at the camp 4 3 days 2 nite. so fun! reali enjoy myself a lot! well, at first i was in gp 9 then 2 qp 5 n then 2 gp 6. so poor thin. got 2 go 2 a gp where by none of ur gd frienz were there. so sad~ but nvm got 2 noe some frienz over there. the food was ok except 2days breakfast, it was horrible. On the 1st nite we ply kidnapped whereby our leader was being kidnap n we had 2 save him. but 2 bad, we came in last. due 2 the absence of teamwork, maybe?? then on the 2nd day, we go 4 our game station n then 4 the amazin race. it was so tirin. runnin over the island of sentosa by foot. 2 bad,we didn complete the race, we had stopped earlier 2 bath. every1 was racin 2 the toliet 4 a bath. can't wait 2 clean ourselves up. in the end, gp 3, siqi's gp nite we had our campfire, so interestin, had 2 put up a performance. in the end we combine force wth gp5 2 perform an advertisment. can't believe tat i had 2 be a TV post. so pai seh loh! ask mii be a stupid post in front of so many pp. the camp was rather fun, BUT ...
i was biten by many mosquito, so itchy loh so tis tell mii tat,
being part of the nature = being biten by idiot mosquito