Sunday, July 23, 2006
10:04 AM ♥
goin 2 be extremely tired 2moro cuz got EL DT then must go 4 the rehersal 4 the performance on national day eve then must go 4 tution sound so tiring and it is cannot rest n ve 2 sleep late 2 do my hw hatez Mon n Wed cuz tired days study all the way n Tue still ve 2 stay bck 2 go through holiday hw so tired wan loh 2day ve 2 stay at home study 4 2moro EL DT duno wat ll the functional writin be report or wat hope won't fail my EL cuz i noe tat my EL is the worst among all other subject s so better pass to acheive gd result but quite lazy recently duno y maybe just dun feel like doin anythin x-cept watchin TV programme Tue got Geo DT on map-reading duno got include market gardening a not cuz tat wan ve to mermorise dun feel like goin 2 sch but cannot cuz Mon is definately not my day feel so bored n tired all day long ... ...
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