tH3 eNdiNg
Thursday, May 11, 2006
6:36 PM ♥
my birthday comin liao,hope faster come, can receive a lot of present i like gettin present so enjoyin i wonder wat should i ask my parents to buy 4 mii' xin rui birthday comin o so, i wonder wat should i buy 4 her? let mii think. 2day @ home quite borin, nthin 2 do or maybe 2 lazy 2 do so keep usin PC to help mii past time haiz~ well, i enjoy my sec 3 life more than my sec2 life cuz got bad experience* dun need 2 say surely ll affect mii if not i ll be still a nerd loh ya, now at least better! haha well, from my bad experience* i learn how to overcome problems and definately loneliness well, i m still afraid of it rite now friendship is equally important 2 mii i shall say now my life better liao, much more intestin cuz got 2 da jie in claz wat long time didn go back to livin spring liao miss my frienz over there n 2 sister! jus now heard from amanda n jing wen tat they hope we go back see them, so touchin ya, long time didn seee them liao surely miss them loh. btw cuz 2 busy so no choice no time go back visit them
may god be with them~
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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tH3 eNdiNg
Thursday, May 11, 2006
6:36 PM ♥
my birthday comin liao,hope faster come, can receive a lot of present i like gettin present so enjoyin i wonder wat should i ask my parents to buy 4 mii' xin rui birthday comin o so, i wonder wat should i buy 4 her? let mii think. 2day @ home quite borin, nthin 2 do or maybe 2 lazy 2 do so keep usin PC to help mii past time haiz~ well, i enjoy my sec 3 life more than my sec2 life cuz got bad experience* dun need 2 say surely ll affect mii if not i ll be still a nerd loh ya, now at least better! haha well, from my bad experience* i learn how to overcome problems and definately loneliness well, i m still afraid of it rite now friendship is equally important 2 mii i shall say now my life better liao, much more intestin cuz got 2 da jie in claz wat long time didn go back to livin spring liao miss my frienz over there n 2 sister! jus now heard from amanda n jing wen tat they hope we go back see them, so touchin ya, long time didn seee them liao surely miss them loh. btw cuz 2 busy so no choice no time go back visit them
may god be with them~