Friday, April 14, 2006
9:34 AM ♥
yesterday instructor told u (liu qin gp) tat 4 the SYF only 4 pp ll go loh. then the 2 remainin had 2 go 2 zhong ruan. tis sound sadiin btw no choice lah, 2 of them must go there. instructor think tat maybe the sec 3 tis yr can stay, as tis minght be the last performance. tis mean tat my 2 sec 1 n2 junior had 2 go zhong ruan. u noe, they ll surely feel very reluctant 2 change their instrument although they ll still continue 2 ply liu qin after the SYF. well, i think tat is not really fair loh. i thought tat evey1 should be give equal chances. not because we are sec 3 then it is our progative 2 go loh. feelin vry sad about tis issues.i thought tat after we receive the score, then the 2 pp who could not play ll be transffered 2 zhong ruan cuz there ll be surely some1 who ll not play well enough last year SYF score was so diificult loh, i dun think all the liu qin ll be able 2 learn. haiz~ wat should i do ?
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