being so'special'
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
2:43 PM ♥
i really miss 205! really! it's a place where both happiness n sadness struck. well, i really had a bad x-perience in 205, really. till now i still cant 4get e time whereby i face problems wth frienz, girls xspcially. 2 tell e truth, i had hardly female frienz than male frienz. y make mi so "special'? i m afraid of being lonely, really. btw e gd thin is, tis event had led mi 2 know more about my frienz. tis is e time whereby i really communicate wth e male frienz. ha.
2day, i m vry ecastic. y? i m e top student for sec2 class, geo, his n science durin sec2!!! =} i really cant believe it. wat i ve say is not tryin 2 be action or wat. i dun wan pp thin tat i m proud. really. i dun wan pp 2 see mi like tat. i jus hope tat e history ll not repeat again.-siqin
♥ 1 lovely notes