Sunday, September 14, 2008
1:45 PM ♥
I have been reading about this Geneva machine, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which cost up to 8 billion dollars. Impressive isn’t it? Even though I am not a physics person, I am still quite curious about this LHC. I am totally amazed by the rate how much science and technology has advanced; it seems that nothing is quite impossible for human beings. With every mysteries been solved bit by bit, from the pyramid in Egypt, to the future discovery of the dark particles, nothing seems to be left unsolved. Maybe not to the extent of solving every mystery, but I believe that humans would accomplish that one day. Then, do humans need God more or less? I am perplexed. I guess I should leave this question unanswered for now.
I have been trying to recall on yesterday’s sermon preached by Pastor Shirley this morning. All of a sudden, this sentence just came across my mind.
“There is no failure more disastrous than the success that leaves God out”. True? I believe so. Yesterday’s sermon was quite useful to me, since I have been complaining about God outing too many problems in my life. But now, I understand why. I am so stressed last week because the things around me are beyond my control. Then, why not let God take control? Don’t ask ‘why’, ask ‘why not’. I really less burdened after letting God to take control of everything, God knows what the best for me. I felt much relieved during examinations, especially H2 mathematics. I am neither frustration nor having stomach cramps during the paper. Thank God for that! I was able to put my 100%, maybe not to that extent, but there is surely a 70% effort. There is still room for improvement. Promotional examination is not the end of the J1 life, it is just the beginning. I am ready for more challenges.
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
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Sunday, September 14, 2008
1:45 PM ♥
I have been reading about this Geneva machine, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which cost up to 8 billion dollars. Impressive isn’t it? Even though I am not a physics person, I am still quite curious about this LHC. I am totally amazed by the rate how much science and technology has advanced; it seems that nothing is quite impossible for human beings. With every mysteries been solved bit by bit, from the pyramid in Egypt, to the future discovery of the dark particles, nothing seems to be left unsolved. Maybe not to the extent of solving every mystery, but I believe that humans would accomplish that one day. Then, do humans need God more or less? I am perplexed. I guess I should leave this question unanswered for now.
I have been trying to recall on yesterday’s sermon preached by Pastor Shirley this morning. All of a sudden, this sentence just came across my mind.
“There is no failure more disastrous than the success that leaves God out”. True? I believe so. Yesterday’s sermon was quite useful to me, since I have been complaining about God outing too many problems in my life. But now, I understand why. I am so stressed last week because the things around me are beyond my control. Then, why not let God take control? Don’t ask ‘why’, ask ‘why not’. I really less burdened after letting God to take control of everything, God knows what the best for me. I felt much relieved during examinations, especially H2 mathematics. I am neither frustration nor having stomach cramps during the paper. Thank God for that! I was able to put my 100%, maybe not to that extent, but there is surely a 70% effort. There is still room for improvement. Promotional examination is not the end of the J1 life, it is just the beginning. I am ready for more challenges.