Friday, February 26, 2010
3:13 AM ♥
I feel so compassionate towards the minority of outcast. Perhaps it is because I used to feel that way too, being push around or out of place most of the time. I questioned if the minority of outcast ever tried to ‘fight’ their way to gain their acceptance, or they simply gave up without putting up a fight. Or maybe it is fairer to say what the hell are those people doing? Those ‘people’ who wants to win their schools or whatever places. The majority blamed the outcast, but I blame that bunch of hypocrites. Don’t tell me about being righteous. Don’t give excuses like ‘working in progress’. Word without action is nothing.
Do you know the question ‘Should the outcast be given up?’ has a brother called ‘Unless you want to be given up as well?’
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Friday, February 26, 2010
3:13 AM ♥
I feel so compassionate towards the minority of outcast. Perhaps it is because I used to feel that way too, being push around or out of place most of the time. I questioned if the minority of outcast ever tried to ‘fight’ their way to gain their acceptance, or they simply gave up without putting up a fight. Or maybe it is fairer to say what the hell are those people doing? Those ‘people’ who wants to win their schools or whatever places. The majority blamed the outcast, but I blame that bunch of hypocrites. Don’t tell me about being righteous. Don’t give excuses like ‘working in progress’. Word without action is nothing.
Do you know the question ‘Should the outcast be given up?’ has a brother called ‘Unless you want to be given up as well?’