Friday, September 18, 2009 12:12 AM ♥
I serious don’t gain the sense of satisfaction from watching movies in cinema nowadays. First movie is ‘The Final Destination 4’, and now is ‘Whiteout’. I can really understand how the economic meltdown has restricted their budget, but I think the movie can be ended off better in both movies. Both movies ended absurdly, which kind of spoiled the entire build up of the atmosphere. I kind of felt that both movies are a waste of money, and I don’t think it worth the time to be spent on.
I’m glad that the prelims have come to an end while ‘A’ levels is just right up. I gave myself a day off from work before re-committing into my revision again. I’m glad that I spent time with the girls (Curry, Monster, Flying monster and Tower) to catch the movie ‘Whiteout’ and hanging around the mall after that. It’s has been a long time since we last did that!