Monday, August 03, 2009
1:58 AM ♥
Someone asked me before this question ‘Why am I in church?’ At that time, I was loss because it was something I have never thought of. But if someone asks me this very same question now, I’m gladly to say that I have thought through and came up with the answer.
‘I used to believe that I was given the opportunity to do great things for God’s kingdom even though I’m nothing in life. But now, I realize that this isn’t true. Till now, I’m still nothing.’
Rather than being nothing in my entire life, I would rather invest my time in something can brings me something in return. Why am I so naïve to think that I’ll do something great for the kingdom of God when I am barely being given the opportunity to do so at the first place? Don’t bother to tell me about how much you think I can do great things for God or how much potential I have. All these are mere lies to me because actions speak louder than words. I tired of hearing all these lies from the people whom I used to love them so much. It hurts me most when I realize that everything is nothing but a lie.
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Monday, August 03, 2009
1:58 AM ♥
Someone asked me before this question ‘Why am I in church?’ At that time, I was loss because it was something I have never thought of. But if someone asks me this very same question now, I’m gladly to say that I have thought through and came up with the answer.
‘I used to believe that I was given the opportunity to do great things for God’s kingdom even though I’m nothing in life. But now, I realize that this isn’t true. Till now, I’m still nothing.’
Rather than being nothing in my entire life, I would rather invest my time in something can brings me something in return. Why am I so naïve to think that I’ll do something great for the kingdom of God when I am barely being given the opportunity to do so at the first place? Don’t bother to tell me about how much you think I can do great things for God or how much potential I have. All these are mere lies to me because actions speak louder than words. I tired of hearing all these lies from the people whom I used to love them so much. It hurts me most when I realize that everything is nothing but a lie.