Monday, February 02, 2009
2:10 AM ♥
Went for tution today and I did not complete my homework. Well, my Gp tutor is very understanding so he will not get angry. After that I was suppose to go for the class outing, but I change my mind because I know that it will be very late by the time i reached. Futhermore, I still have to go to aunt's house for family potluck and lao yu sheng. So daddy pick me up at Tampines Centre there then go to aunt's house together. The food was nice and I feel that I have eaten too much. I will need to exercise more to maintain my weight.
Have not been blogging because I am kind of busy. School is so stressful because the teachers keep pushing students to study hard for their subject. Hello teachers, I take 5 subjects okay, not just your subject ! I have been faithful in doing my homework and revision, starting from my weakest subject Physic and weakest topic Waves.
J1 comming in tomorrow and I am so excited because I get to meet the J1 transfer. =)
Got to go school earlier for celebration of birthday too.
Just some things to share. This happen last week when I was out with Benson at the Sun Plaza Park. We saw one chinese man peeping at a Malay couple as they show affection to one another. This is damn grossed okay. I wonder what that old man was thinking. Anyway he ran off wen we walked towards him. I really cannot imagine that such people actually exist.
time to continue my work ~
About the blogger
Layout: Bows, Ribbons and blood.
A space to contain our thoughts. A space to contain memories.
Underline Bold Italicized Strikeout
Monday, February 02, 2009
2:10 AM ♥
Went for tution today and I did not complete my homework. Well, my Gp tutor is very understanding so he will not get angry. After that I was suppose to go for the class outing, but I change my mind because I know that it will be very late by the time i reached. Futhermore, I still have to go to aunt's house for family potluck and lao yu sheng. So daddy pick me up at Tampines Centre there then go to aunt's house together. The food was nice and I feel that I have eaten too much. I will need to exercise more to maintain my weight.
Have not been blogging because I am kind of busy. School is so stressful because the teachers keep pushing students to study hard for their subject. Hello teachers, I take 5 subjects okay, not just your subject ! I have been faithful in doing my homework and revision, starting from my weakest subject Physic and weakest topic Waves.
J1 comming in tomorrow and I am so excited because I get to meet the J1 transfer. =)
Got to go school earlier for celebration of birthday too.
Just some things to share. This happen last week when I was out with Benson at the Sun Plaza Park. We saw one chinese man peeping at a Malay couple as they show affection to one another. This is damn grossed okay. I wonder what that old man was thinking. Anyway he ran off wen we walked towards him. I really cannot imagine that such people actually exist.
time to continue my work ~